
mete vt.1.〔詩〕量,測量。2.評定(功過);派定;分給。...


To bj1027 pick up , for former - brind “ generally great change augmenting tyre “ landscape - orientation - mete , then result tyre leaning - grind . through plentiful market researching , correlative examination , data stat analyse , theory calculating and the same products and car comparating , we make clear the relation and the movement connection in suspend , veer and tyre , confirm again veer trapezia - cut - point , and adopt a series of measures , resovle tyre leaning - grind completely , elevate the whole track “ capability 我們通過大量的市場調查、相關的檢測與試驗、數據的統計分析、理論分析計算,并對比同類產品及轎車進行分析研究,弄清了懸架、轉向與輪胎之間的相互聯系與運動關系,重新確定了轉向梯形斷開點的位置,并相應采取了一系列措施,徹底解決了輪胎偏磨這一問題,使整車性能得到了明顯提高。

Provided that the empowered provincial , autonomous regional and municipal administrations expropriate over rmb 200000 yuan of the illegal gains by the foreign investment enterprises , or mete out a fine of over rmb 20000 yuan , or withdraw the business license , they have to report to the state administration for industry and commerce for examination and approval 受權的省、自治區、直轄市工商行政管理局對外商投資企業依法作出沒收非法所得超過人民幣二十萬元或罰款超過人民幣二萬元或吊銷營業執照處罰的,應報國家工商行政管理局核批。

It was the latest example of a growing phenomenon the chinese call internet hunting , in which morality lessons are administered by online throngs and where anonymous web users come together to investigate others and mete out punishment for offenses real and imagined 這是與日俱增的被中國人稱為網絡追殺的現象最新的例子,而相關的道德規范由在線集群執行,并且匿名網絡用戶集中到一起來調查其他人,并通過真實或假想的進攻來給予懲罰

It was just the latest example of a growing phenomenon the chinese call internet hunting , in which morality lessons are administered by online throngs and where anonymous web users come together to investigate others and mete out punishment for offenses real and imagined 這是中國一種正在增長的一種被稱作“網絡搜捕”現象的最新案例:網絡群氓執行一種道德教育,匿名的網絡用戶調查他人,給予他們真實或虛擬的懲罰。

Environmental protection authorities of cities under the jurisdiction of provincial people ' s governments are empowered to mete out penalties under fifty thousand yuan , and exceeding that sum shall have the approval from environmental protection authorities of provincial people ' s governments 省轄市人民政府環境保護部門可處以五萬元以下的罰款,超過五萬元的罰款,報省級人民政府環境保護部門批準。

Article 106 if a drawer intentionally delays paying an instrument payable at sight or a matured instrument , the financial administrative department shall mete out a fine to the drawee and give administrative sanction to the person who is directly responsible 第一百零五條票據的付款人對見票即付或者到期的票據,故意壓票,拖延支付的,由金融行政管理部門處以罰款,對直接責任人員給予處分。

Type ddsf951 single - phase electronlic multi - rate electric energy mete is the new generation of product . which is developed lately by absorbing the opinions from the experts of supply sysrem and users pubic as well as foreign new technology Ddsf951型電子式復費率電能表是金雀儀表公司在廣泛聽取供電系統鉆家和廣大用戶的意見,吸取國外新技術,最新開發的新一代產品。

Article 33 the price departments of the people ' s governments at and above the county level exercise monitoring and checking over pricing activities according to law and mete out administrative punishments on acts that violate the law 第三十三條縣級以上各級人民政府價格主管部門,依法對價格活動進行監督檢查,并依照本法的規定對價格違法行為實施行政處罰。

And when they did mete it with an omer , he that gathered much had nothing over , and he that gathered little had no lack ; they gathered every man according to his eating 18及至用俄梅珥量一量,多收的也沒有馀,少收的也沒有缺,各人按著自己的飯量收取。

The product meets the requiements of gb t17215 - 98 grade 1 and 2 stativc ac active watthour mete and gb t12584 - 94 multirate time sharing watt - hour meter . main characteristics 1 .芯片液晶顯示器及晶振等器件選用工業能產品,壽命長性能好。

Mete - cognition in english reading involves in three clements : mete - cognitive knowledge , meta - cognitive experience and mete - cognitive monitoring 英語閱讀理解中的元認知包括三個構成要素:元認知知識、元認知體驗和元認知監控。

Nozicken right in logical prioprity , is through its state view , justice view as well as the mete - utopia made clear 諾齊克的權利觀立足于現代意義上的自然權利觀,與古希臘時期的自然義務論形成鮮明的區別。

They ' ll mete out more damage than any other class , but will be very weak in melee situations , wearing only cloth armor 他們能造成比其他任何職業都要大的傷害,但在肉搏戰中將會非常脆弱,因為他們不能穿甲。

A commissar is the bearer of the emperor ' s law , and holds the irrefutable right to mete out judgement , sentence and punishment 政委是帝皇法則的傳達者,擁有執行判決和懲罰士兵的絕對權利。

It states the tyre fraying or nor lie on landscape - orientationl - mete which tyre comparative with ground in truck moving 本文針對bj1027皮卡輪胎偏磨這一問題,進行了深入細致的分析研究。

God hath spoken in his holiness ; i will rejoice , i will divide shechem , and mete out the valley of succoth 6神已經指著他的圣潔說, (說或作應許我)我要歡樂。我要分開示劍,丈量疏割谷。

[ niv ] no , in your heart you devise injustice , and your hands mete out violence on the earth 2 [和合]不然,你們是心中作惡,你們在地上秤出你們手所行的強暴。

Thus we think mete - cognition is the most crucial to further improve their reading ability 因此,提高元認知水平是提高英語閱讀能力的突破口和關鍵。

No , in your heart you devise injustice , and your hands mete out violence on the earth 2不然,你們是心中作惡。你們在地上秤出你們手所行的強暴。