
metcalfe n.梅特卡夫〔姓氏〕。


By the impact of the special rules of network economics , such as metcalfe rule and positive feedback rule , dot - corns have appears the new forms of commercial mode and mode of growth , and had special source of value 在網絡經濟的特有規律,諸如梅特卡夫定理、邊際效用遞增和邊際成本遞減原理、正反饋原理等的作用下,網絡公司表現出了全新的經營模式和成長模式,并產生了特有的價值形成和實現方式。

Dr . robert n . metcalfe , co - inventor of ethernet , born brooklyn , new york on april 7 . dr . metcalfe now writes a prestigious column for idg ' s infoworld weekly newspaper 羅伯特. n .梅特卡夫博士,以太網發明者之一, 4月7日生于紐約布魯克林。他現在為idg 《信息世界周報》撰寫專欄文章。

When three gorgeous gals discover they ve all been duped by smooth - talking stud john tucker metcalfe , they hatch a devious revenge scheme to turn the tables on him 這位花心蘿卜喜歡同時間一腳踏幾船,他高招在專挑不同生活及社交圈子的女孩們,讓她們沒機會碰頭。

“ it ' s the mother of all diamonds , “ said travis metcalfe , who led the team of researchers at the harvard - smithsonian centre for astrophysics in america “這是鉆石之母, ”美國哈佛史密桑尼安天文物理中心研究組組長特拉維斯梅特卡夫說。

“ it ' s the mother of all diamonds , “ said travis metcalfe , who led the team of researchers at the harvard - smithsonian centre for astrophysics in america “這是鉆石之母, ”美國哈佛史密桑尼安天文物理中心研究組組長特拉維斯?梅特卡夫說。

Mrs . collins , did i tell you of lady metcalfe s calling yesterday to thank me 柯林斯太太,我有沒有告訴過你,麥特卡爾夫人昨天來謝我?

Metcalfe ' s law 梅特卡夫定律

Male artist metcalfe , jesse 男藝人謝斯麥卡夫

Artist name : metcalfe , jesse 藝人名稱:謝斯麥卡夫