
metathesis n.(pl. -ses )1.【語言學】換位(作用);換...


Second , the paper in - depth discuss the reinforce foundation operation mechanism of technique of composite grouting , including spray incise action of high pressure spray flow to soil , mill metathesis concretion action , and penetrate , split , crush action of serum to soil , etc . third , the paper in - depth study design calculate of composite grouting , design of composite grouting technic parameter 其次,本文對復合注漿法加固地基的作用機理進行了深入的探討,包括高壓噴射流對土體的噴射切割作用、漿液與土的攪拌置換固結作用以及漿液對土體的滲透、劈裂、擠密作用等問題。第三,本文對復合注漿的設計計算、注漿技術參數的設計進行了深入的研究。

The free - phosphine carbene ruthenium complex [ 1 , 3 - bis ( 2 , 6 - dimethylphenyl ) - 2 - tetrahydroimidazol [ ( c5h5n ) 2 ( cl ) 2ru = chph ( 8 ) was prepared by the reaction of [ 1 , 3 - bis ( 2 , 6 - dimethylphenyl ) - 2 - tetrahydroimidazol ] ( pph3 ) ( cl ) 2ru = chph ( 7 ) with pyridine and used as a highly effective catalyst for the cross metathesis of acrylonitrile with allylbenzene 摘要設計了由1 , 3 -二( 2 , 6 -二甲基苯基) 2 -四氫咪唑基苯亞甲基三苯基膦二氯合釕( 7 )和吡啶反應生成無膦型金屬釕卡賓化合物1 , 3 -二( 2 , 6 -二甲苯基) 2 -四氫咪唑基苯亞甲基2 -吡啶基二氯合釕( 8 ) , 8作為高效催化劑用于丙烯腈和烯丙基苯的交叉交互置換反應。

The industrial manufacturing technique , the trend of development of neohexene , and the characteristics of these production technique were reviewed and analyzed in the paper , particularly about the selective dimerization of isobutylene and metathesis of - diisobutylene with ethylene were introduced 摘要對新己烯生產技術的現狀和今后的發展趨勢進行了綜述,分析了由異丁烯和乙烯生產新已烯的技術特征,討論了烯烴二聚工藝和催化劑、烯烴復分解工藝及相應的催化劑,指出了各種工藝的優勢和不足。

Considering the monotony and regularity of euclid arithmetic , the paper proposes a new multiple attribute decision making approach based on the ordinal euclid arithmetic , and the monotony , regularity and metathesis immutability of the ordinal euclid arithmetic are proved too 基于算子有序性的構建思想,本文提出并構建了基于有序歐幾里德算子的區間數多屬性決策算法模型,證明了有序歐幾里德算子的單調性、齊次性和冪等性。

A series of copoly ( olefin - co - ester ) s were synthesized and characterized by starting from cyclooctene , cyclooctadiene or nobornene with ethanediol di ( 10 - undecenoate ) via metathesis copolymerization and hydrogenation reaction 摘要通過環辛烯、環辛二烯和降冰片烯-十一烯酸乙二醇二酯的易位共聚合及氫化反應合成了烯烴共聚酯。

Abstract : the base principle , key technology , characteristic and progress on synthesis of ceramic powders by solid - state metathesis reactions are described 文摘:本文扼要地介紹了固態復分解反應法制備陶瓷粉末的基本原理、關鍵技術、特點及其研究進展。

Ring opening metathesis polymerization romp 開環易位聚合

Indirect metatheses law to synthesize and characterize zinc gluconate 間接法合成葡萄糖酸鋅及其表征