
metatarsal adj.,n.跖骨(的)。


Last year , he has been defined and defaced by a broken metatarsal at stamford bridge in april , by red cards in gelsenkirchen in july and amsterdam in august . however long his career may last , rooney will never escape the sort of scrutiny in which even genius can shrivel 過去的一年,魯尼的生活被以下事件概括和涂抹著: 4月份在斯坦福橋的跖骨骨折, 7月份在蓋爾森基興和8月份在阿姆斯特丹的紅牌… …但不管他的職業生涯有多長,魯尼將永遠無法逃脫人們的監視,每個天才都會在這種監視中枯萎。

The england international has only been allowed to wear trainers during fitness training , but has taken another step in his recovery from the fractured metatarsal he suffered when colliding with paul robinson in a premiership game against tottenham on new year ' s eve . roeder maintains owen will be fit before the end of the season , raising hopes he will line up for england in this summer ' s world cup finals 據英國衛報13日報道,在2005年的最后一天,歐文不幸在同托特納姆熱刺隊的比賽中和對方門將羅賓遜相撞,造成跖骨骨折,自此歐文一直在同傷病進行著抗爭,而4月13日是他受傷以后第一次穿上球鞋。

It shows many typical characters seen in the type species of the genus of sinornithosaurus , which discovered also from western liaoning . ngmc 00 - 12 - a can further be included in sinornithosaurus by the dentary bifurcated posteriorly , unserrated premaxillary teeth , u - shaped furcula , extremel y short manual phalanx iii - 2 in comparison with the length of phalanx iii - l , very large and developed obturator process of the ischium , partially arctometatarsalian metatarsal iii and so on 它具有許多中國鳥龍屬sinornithosaurus所特有的特征,如:齒骨后部分叉、前頜骨齒齒冠前后緣均無小鋸齒、叉骨u形、第指第2指節很短、坐骨封閉突極大且具有坐骨后背突、第?骨部分窄足型等,因而無疑應歸入該屬中。

You would not rule out another roy of the rovers story such as his previous return from a broken metatarsal which brought a sensational hat - trick on his manchester united debut , but there are those who already fear that the frenzy around rooney , and a world cup campaign , could force him back before time 你沒辦法指望魯尼能像在曼聯一樣剛從趾骨受傷中恢復就在冠軍杯的處子秀中完成帽子戲法,但是很多人還是擔心魯尼的情緒,世界杯的戰斗會讓他提前失控。

It was hard to imagine how any more pressure could be heaped on wayne rooney ' s broad shoulders before this summer ' s world cup finals , but his metatarsal injury will only heighten the sense that he is england ' s talisman , the one player whom sven - g ? ran eriksson cannot do without 很難想象在今年夏天世界杯決賽開始前魯尼寬廣的肩膀上會承擔多少壓力,但是他的趾骨受傷只會更加讓人們認為他是英格蘭的救星,是埃里克森不能缺少的隊員。

The newcastle united striker has played for only 29 minutes since breaking his fifth metatarsal on new year ' s eve but his doctors have reassured him that the bone has healed properly and that he simply has to overcome nagging pains as he puts more strain on the outside of his foot 紐卡射手自從新年前夜第五跖骨受傷到現在只打了29分鐘的比賽,但是他的醫生向他保證現在骨頭很好,他現在只需要克服用力時腳上的疼痛。

With all of liverpool ' s four strikers struggling for goals , gerrard said : “ i think we need someone along the lines of michael . “ a broken metatarsal has interrupted owen ' s season , but he could be back in action before the end of the month 隨著球隊下賽季遷入能夠容納6萬人的新體育場,屆時,阿森納俱樂部希望通過貝克漢姆的加盟,使該俱樂部無論在財政上還是球隊的水平上,都更上一層樓。

Fears that rio ferdinand was the latest england star to fall victim to the curse of the metatarsal receded last night as a scan revealed “ no conclusive evidence “ of a fracture to the manchester united defender ' s toe 恐怕昨晚的費迪南德是最近英格蘭球星中又一位“跆骨咒念”的受害者,拍片結果表明,對于這位曼聯后衛的腳趾骨折“沒有確鑿的證據” 。

The scot fears the forward , who is recovering from a broken metatarsal in his right foot , may be “ pressured into playing before he is ready ” and has called for a “ realistic approach ” from the england camp 蘇格蘭人害怕正在從右腳跖骨骨折中恢復的這名前鋒會“會被迫在準備好之前參賽”希望英格蘭隊能夠現實的面對魯尼問題。

The thing is , at least i ca n ' t get another injury now ? david beckham looks on the bright side after a broken metatarsal bone leaves him fighting to be fit for the fifa world cup 事情是這樣:至少我現在不會再受傷了-因跖骨折斷而不得不努力恢復以趕上世界杯的大衛-貝克漢姆如此看待傷病的光明一面。

A broken metatarsal in december 2005 put him out of the reckoning at chelsea and last season came to a premature end when he was diagnosed with glandular fever in march 2005年12月的跖骨骨折讓他沒能參加核切爾西的比賽,而在被查出患有傳染性單核白細胞增多之后,他的整個賽季也在3月過早的結束。

Stone , who had been with united for 10 years , was put in charge of rooney ' s rehabilitation after the forward broke the fourth metatarsal on his right foot on april 29 at chelsea 此時,斯通的突然被解雇,令人懷疑與魯尼的治療有關。然而曼聯俱樂部在透露這一消息時并沒有具體道明原委。

Rooney , who spent his first few months at united in 2004 under the care of stone following a metatarsal injury suffered at euro 2004 , will have a scan on his latest injury on thursday 據悉,在2004年歐錦賽上魯尼也曾經在腳趾部位受傷,當時,負責魯尼康復治療的醫生也是麥克斯通。

I went under the knife on tuesday after breaking the metatarsal bone in my foot against spurs on new year ' s eve and the operation seems to have gone well 在新年的前日我在對熱刺的比賽中傷了我的跖骨,我現在已經做了手術了,而且手術看上去很成功。

Meanwhile , daniel agger , who hasn ' t featured since portsmouth on september 15 , is still 10 - 16 days away from a return following a metatarsal break 對于在9月5日對樸斯茅斯時受傷的丹尼爾?阿格來說,他可能還要等上10 - 16天的時間才能復出。

Fifa have told england they can wait until june 9 to replace wayne rooney after the striker sustained a broken metatarsal injury on saturday 國際足聯告訴英格蘭他們可以一直等到6月9日來決定是否帶上周六剛剛跖骨受傷的魯尼去世界杯。

Wayne rooney ' s hopes of playing in the world cup finals could be decided by may 25 when he undergoes another scan on his broken metatarsal 魯尼在世界杯賽場捧杯的夢想取決于5月25日對他受傷的趾骨進行的第二次掃描檢查結果。

Because it ' s the metatarsal bone that ' s broken , i can ' t tiptoe and unfortunately that ' s the only way to work the calf muscle 因為跖骨骨折我不能腳著地走路,而不幸的是那卻是唯一可以鍛煉有效腿肌肉的途徑。

Benitez has teenager jack hobbs on stand - by for some rare action , while daniel agger is close to a return after a metatarsal injury 阿格很快就會康復,但是現在貝尼特斯只能暫時派上青年隊隊長霍布斯。