
metastasize vi.(-sized; -sizing) 【醫學】(癌等...


Indeed , in laboratory animals , such “ antagonists ” have been able to relieve the very severe pain caused by the acidic environment around tumors that have metastasized to and damaged bone tissue 的確,在實驗動物身上,這類拮抗劑可消除由轉移性骨癌(由他處轉移至骨骼并使骨組織受損的惡性腫瘤)附近的酸性環境所引起的劇烈疼痛。

The use of oral or injected chemotherapy drugs to kill melanoma cancer cells can be effective if the cancer is diagnosed early , but once it has spread metastasized it is almost always fatal 如果早期診斷后應用口服或注射化療藥物以消滅黑素瘤惡性細胞是有效的,但是一旦發生遠處轉移則被認為是幾乎可以致死的。

Prostatic adenocarcinoma is famous for metastasizing to the lungs in a “ lymphangitic “ pattern in which streaks of tumor appear between lung lobules and beneath the pleura in lymphatic spaces 前列腺腺癌通過淋巴道轉移到肺,肺葉之間和胸膜下的淋巴管中都可見癌細胞。

To his consternation , what gou saw the evening of sept . 21 was another instance of the blackmail journalism metastasizing through china ' s news media 讓茍華吃驚的是,他在9月21日晚上所見到的只是貫穿中國新聞傳媒界的另一起勒索案。

This case emphasizes the potential for cancers to metastasize to the kidneys , and which may result in arf by tumor infiltration of the kidneys 此病例強調癌癥轉移至腎臟的潛力,而可能經由腫瘤細胞浸潤腎臟導致急性腎衰竭。

Metastases to the lungs are more common even than primary lung neoplasms simply because so many other primary tumors can metastasize to the lungs 肺轉移瘤比原發性肺腫瘤更常見,因為許多其它原發腫瘤可通過血道轉移到肺。

Malignant melanoma has a tendency to metastasize to the lung during the course of tumor growth , but endobronchial metastasis is rare 惡性黑色素細胞瘤在生長的過程中常有轉移至肺部的現象,但是支氣管內轉移則是非常罕見。

They said the same enzyme that controls the ability of cancer cells to metastasize also controls the process that keeps them stuck tightly together 他們說那些控制癌細胞轉移的酶同樣也可以使得癌細胞緊密結合在一起。

They said the same enzyme that controls the ability of cancer cells to metastasize also controls the process that keeps them stuck tightly together 他們表示,能控制癌細胞轉移的生化酶也能同時纏住癌細胞。

In addition to providing nutrition , vascular also supplies an access for tumor cells to go into circulatory system and metastasize 除了為腫瘤提供營養,血管還為腫瘤細胞進入循環系統并轉移提供了通道。

When the disease has spread , or metastasized , the only feasible approach is to reduce the severity of pain and other symptoms 對于已經出現轉移的病人,唯一的治療只是應用一些方法去減輕病人痛苦和病徵。

The word “ metastasize “ means to change form , state or position . it is not a word cancer patients want to hear “轉移”這個詞意思是改變形式、狀況或者是位置。這對于癌癥患者來說并不是一個希望聽到的詞。

Oat cell carcinomas are very aggressive and often metastasize widely before the primary tumor mass in the lung reaches a large size 燕麥細胞癌具有很強的侵襲性,原發瘤不是很大就已經發生了廣泛轉移。

These results could help design new drugs that prevent cancer cells from metastasizing , or spreading throughout the body 這一結果將有助于設計新藥來阻止癌細胞轉移、蔓延到全身。

Mucinous carcinoma can occur in noncutaneous visceral sites and metastasize to the skin 因此在臨床治療方面需要針對病患其他器官執行系統性分析研究,排除轉移癌之可能。

So , blockading the process of neovascularization is to prevent tumor from growing and metastasizing 因此,抑制血管的生長既可以阻止腫瘤的生長,也可以防止其轉移。

Doctors say chances are worse for patients whose cancer is not found until after it has already metastasized 醫生說那些癌細胞被發現轉移以后生存的幾率很小。

Throughout the spring , the phenomenon grew , metastasizing into off - campus web sites as well 春天,對芙蓉姐姐的關注持續升溫,并擴展到學校以外的網站。

However , last month , 2 well - known americans announced that their cancers had metastasized 然而就在上個月, 2位有名的美國人聲明他們的癌癥已經轉移。