
metastable adj.【化學】亞穩的,準穩的。n.-bility 準穩...

metastable atom

No incontinuous transition has been found at mean - field spinodal lines and the transition of precipitation mechanism transform gradually across the mean - field spinodal lines . precipitation mechanism at disordering instability line is non - classical nucleation and growth , similar to those in metastable region , and precipitation mechanism at ordering instability line is non - classical nucleation and growth , followed by spinodal decomposition , similar to those in instable region 在不同的區域,粗化有不同的表現形式:在亞穩區,與(形核)長大交疊;在失穩區,與失穩分解交疊;在過渡區,與長大和失穩分解混合機制交疊。

During the present research of the flow characteristics of refrigerant in adiabatic capillary tubes , a drift flux model of two - phase flow was established and the influence of metastable phenomenon was considered . the flow characteristics of refrigerant were analyzed with the program developed in this research . an experimental system for the adiabatic capillary tubes testing was set up . the results show that the theoretical model fits the experimental data well 在對絕熱毛細管內制冷劑的流動特性進行研究的過程中,運用兩相流漂移模型,并考慮制冷劑在實際流動中存在的亞穩態,開發了絕熱毛細管內制冷劑兩相流的數值計算程序,對毛細管內制冷劑的流動特性進行了分析;搭建了毛細管兩相流實驗裝置,并將計算結果與實驗數據進行比較,結果吻合的較好。

The study showed that the effect of surface tension induced by the nanosize curvature of critical nuclei could drive metastable phase region of diamond nucleation in carbon diagram into stable phase region , consequently , for both of homogenous and heterogeneous nucleation processes , diamond nucleation would be prior to graphite nucleation in competing growth of diamond and graphite upon chemical vapor deposition ( cvd ) 研究表明,建立在碳的平衡相圖基礎上,在納米尺寸的金剛石臨界核的曲率誘導下的表面張力效應將金剛石成核的亞穩相區推進到穩定相區,因此無論對于金剛石的均勻氣相成核還是異質成核,在金剛石和石墨的競爭生長中,金剛石成核均優先于石墨成核。

It is firstly found that for alloys in metastable region , with enhancement of atomic interaction energy , volume fraction and density of “ phase particulate are increased , size and nucle ' ation rate of ordered phase raised , decline pace of composition in disordered matrix around the order phase is accelerated , composition order parameter and long range order parameter of ordered phase increased , i . e . process of clustering and ordering are accelerated 首次發現,隨著原子間相互作用勢的增加,亞穩區合金中有序相的體積分數和顆粒密度有所增加,有序相的尺寸和形核率有所提高,有序相周圍的無序基體濃度的降低有所加快,有序相內的成分序參數和長程序參數有所提高,即促進了原子簇聚過程和有序化程度。

The metastable austenitic phase of s s fiber at the interface of the fiber / cu composite would turn back to equilibrium with the interfacial energy and inter stain inducing , when the cu films were separated from s s fiber . so the magnetism value of the s s fiber declined . the information of grain - orientation at the interface of the fiber / cu composite can serve as a mechanism responsible for its declining coercivity , and a part of cu elements diffused into s s fibers 不銹鋼纖維銅復合體去除銅層后,原有的界面能及應力下降,使得原纖維界面處弱磁性的部分亞穩奧氏體,恢復到平衡態,它們對樣品s測試結果不再有貢獻;不銹鋼纖維銅復合體中,處于界面處的纖維晶粒具有很強的軸向取向排列,當晶粒取向性減弱,磁疇轉動的阻力增加,磁體的矯頑力上升。

Under no excess pbo flux environment , the perovskite phase of pmnt single crystals were more stable than that of pznt , but it was found to be the decomposition of perovskite crystals into pyrochlore crystals at 1250 . the pure perovskite pznt crystals prepared by the pbo flux method were thermodynamically metastable 在無pbo條件下pmnt晶體較pznt晶體穩定,但在1250附近的高溫下會發生向焦綠石相的分解反應; pznt單晶體是亞穩定的,在高溫時亦分解生成焦綠石相和pbo 。

In czochralski silicon crystals ( czsi ) through fast neutron irradiation , formation and conversion of defects were investigated using fourier transform infrared spectroscopy ( ftir ) , positron annihilation technology ( pat ) and scanning electron microscope ( sem ) . the results showed that fast neutron irradiation induced large quantity of metastable defects which can be the capture centers of positron , positron annihilation average lifetime of samples increased with increasing of irradiation dosage . positron annihilation average lifetime of irradiation samples through dosage up to 1 1018 n . cm - 2 tended to constant 本文對直拉硅樣品進行了不同劑量的快中子輻照,在硅中引入大量的亞穩態缺陷,研究這些亞穩態缺陷的形成,并在較寬的溫度范圍內對輻照樣品進行了退火處理,研究退火后亞穩態缺陷的轉化及同硅中氧的相互作用,應用傅立葉變換紅外光譜技術( ftir ) 、正電子湮沒技術( pat )和掃描電鏡( sem )進行了測試。

In the interdiffused layer the diffused length of nb - 1zr alloy elements is longer than that of stainless steel elements , the diffused length of ni is the longest . there are a mass of needle shape precipitated phases in the interdiffused layers formed by 1300 annealing , which are determined to be a metastable cph - ( nb , ni ) by sadp method 通過對真空退火形成的互擴散層的金相和成分分布分析可以發現,不銹鋼元素中ni元素在nb合金中的擴散速度最快, fe 、 cr元素次之;而nb元素向不銹鋼中的擴散距離要比不銹鋼元素向nb合金中的擴散要深得多。

Following these two examples of two and three phases , regarding ternary and quarternary metallic melts involving eutectic as melts consisting of three and four non - homogeneuos solutions correspondingly , and using thermo - dynamic parameters of binary metallic melts involving eutectic , calculating models of mass action concentrations for ternary symmetrical melts formed from similar metastable compounds , ternary unsymmetrical melts formed from unsimilar metastable compounds and quarternary metallic melts involving eutectic have been formulated 仿照這兩個二、三相熔體的例子,將含共晶體三、四元金屬熔體看作由3 , 4個溶液組成的非均相熔體,并利用含共晶體二元金屬熔體的有關熱力學參數,針對由同類亞穩態化合物組成的對稱型三元系、不同類型亞穩態化合物組成的非對稱型三元系及四元系含共晶體金屬熔體,制定了相應的作用濃度計算模型。

Abstract : the light atom imaging method in high resolution transmission electron microscopy ( hrtem ) and its application in crystal structure analysis for a series of metastable oxides of copper , nickel and silver is described . the idea stemming from this method has been extended to show the possibility of observing surface structure in a series of rather thick films with the hrtem plan - view imaging mode 文摘:介紹了利用高分辨電子顯微學進行晶體結構分析的一種方法輕原子成像法的建立過程及其在銅、鎳、銀等金屬的初期氧化(硫化)產物結構分析中的應用.介紹了利用輕原子成像法的思想解決厚膜上觀察表面結構的可能性問題的新進展

The security predicament of this region exists over a long period of time and the historical and current conflicts are interwoven . all of these keep the area in a kind of “ metastable “ condition . at present , the northeast asian security cooperation , in particular the multilateral institutional cooperation has not been launched completely 本文的基本研究思路是:首先把東北亞地區的國家假定為理性主義的“經濟人”和建構主義的“社會人” ,并且認為二者假設存在相容性的一面;同時把東北亞地區的安全領域做傳統安全與非傳統安全的二元劃分。

The nanometer particles are metastable materials that lie between macroscopical materials and atoms or molecules with the characteristics of little size effect , quantum measurement effect , surface effect and macroscopical quantum tunnel effect , etc . , thus demonstrating some special properties 納米粒子是介于宏觀物質與微觀原子或分子之間的過渡亞穩態物質,具有小尺寸效應、量子尺寸效應、表面效應與宏觀量子隧道效應等,從而表現出一些特殊的性質。

The homopolymer white emulsion , which is a emulsified adhesive , is the metastable state of polymer particles after dispersing in water . it has stable adhesion , high adhesive strength , strong initial adherence , and quick drying speed . the emulsion is easy to dilute and hard to burn 均聚白乳膠,系水乳型粘合劑,是聚合物微粒分散于水中的亞穩定體系,具有粘接性能好粘接強度高,初粘力大快干無毒無異味無溶劑可稀釋不易燃等特點。

As the reaction time and standing time increase , the percentage of calcium oxalate trihydrate ( cot ) decreases and the percentage of the thermodynamic stable calcium oxalate monohydrate ( com ) increases . the metastable calcium oxalate dihydrate ( cod ) is not observed 隨著反應時間和陳化時間的增加,三水草酸鈣( cot )直接轉化為穩定態的一水草酸鈣( com ) ,而沒有經過亞穩態的二水草酸鈣( cod ) 。

Alloy fabricated by arc melting consists of continuous nbssi matrix and dispersive distributed nb particles . the metastable nbasi phase is found to have a tetragonal crystal structure with space group p42 / n and lattice parameters a = 1 . 021nm , c = 0 . 519nm O 0 )金屬間化合物的顯微組織由連續的nb3si基體、彌散分布的nb粒子組成,其中亞穩態相nb3si為四方結構,空間群p42 n ,點陣常數a l

In this paper , metastable cu - al alloy powder with different aluminum content was prepared by mechanical alloying technique . high strength and high conductivity cu - al2c > 3 composites were prepared by a new type vacuum internal oxidation technique 本文采用機械合金化法制備了不同鋁含量的亞穩態的cu - al合金粉末,采用新型真空內氧化工藝制備了不同成分的高強度高導電cu - al2o3復合材料。

The materials with metastable structures , e . g . , nanostructure and supersaturated solid solutions , have unique physic , chemical and mechanical properties , and get extensive application in many fields 具有納米晶、過飽和固溶體等亞穩態結構的材料具有獨特的物理、化學及機械性能,因而在諸多領域獲得了廣泛的應用。

The solid solutions all were supersaturated and metastable , and would dissolve each other with further milling , which was available for the achievement of multi - carbide composite 球磨過程中,碳化物之間能夠互相固溶,可以用于高能球磨制備碳化物及納米復合材料的研究制備多元碳化物復合材料。

We find that the n - phase state can be either the degenerate ground state or metastable , even unstable state depending on experimental parameters ofbecs 我們發現依據不同的實驗參數, -位相態既可能是簡并基態、亞穩態,也可能是非穩定態。