
metasequoia n.【植物;植物學】水杉。


Fifty - one and nineteen compounds were detected respectively from the volatile extracts of the fossils from miocene leaves of metasequoia glyptostroboides and early cretaceous seed cone of pityostrobus spp . by gas chromatography - mass spectrometry ( gc - ms ) analysis 摘要采用氣相色譜質譜聯用分析技術從中新世水杉葉片和白堊紀松型球果兩種裸子植物化石中分別鑒定了51個和19個揮發性成分,類型涉及烷烴、烷烯、烷醇、長鏈脂肪酸及其酯、鄰苯二甲酸酯、菇類和芳香族化合物。

The mountains are covered with virgin secondary forests , dove trees , ginkgoes , metasequoias , and other rare trees and flowers . rhesus monkeys , civets , tragopans , golden pheasants , and other rare animals and birds are active in the forests 這里擁有成片的原始次生林,珙桐銀杏水杉蝦花等奇花異卉漫山遍野,還有獼猴靈貓角雉錦雞等珍禽異獸出沒其間

The park has a forest of metasequoia trees , where you can practice shin - rin - yoku , ( basking amongst the trees ) and be completely refreshed 地點:葛飾區水元公園3 - 2 (水元公園管理事務所)

July 25 , mr . dai baiyang adopted one of the metasequoia glyptostroboides ( hu et cheng ) at ccrcgp 2005年7月25日,來自四川省林業廳的戴柏陽先生愛心認養“水杉一號” 。

Part of troupe of company of psychological association , self - improvement , metasequoia , english is better 心理協會、自強社、水杉劇團、英語角比較好。