
metaphysics n.〔作單數用〕形而上學,玄學(opp. dialect...


Mathematics and the origin of metaphysics 數學與形而上學的起源

Anti - metaphysics or post - metaphysics 反形而上學還是后形而上學

Personal cultural experience and metaphysics 文學體驗與形而上學

They tried to quit themselves of the shackles of metaphysics 他們盡力設法擺脫形而上學的枷鎖。

Metaphysics of the western modern art 西方視覺藝術的形而上學歷程

Toward post - metaphysics - a look from field of vision of marxist philosophy 從馬克思哲學的視野看

The spiritual phylosophy state of the moral metaphysics system 道德形而上學體系的精神哲學形態

On martin heidgger ' s criticism of the traditional metaphysics 評海德格爾對傳統形而上學的批判

Deconstruction theory and metaphysics vs anti - metalphysics 解構論形而上學與反形而上學的視閾

How metaphysics influenced aesthetics in the wei and jin dynasties 魏晉玄學對魏晉美學的影響

Technology , virtual images and the destiny of metaphysics 鮑德里亞對形而上學問題的哲學反思

Metaphysics and the ecological aesthetic conceptions of zen buddhism 玄學與禪宗生態審美觀

On deep concern of metaphysics 對后現代主義哲學拒斥形而上學的一種回答

Interpretation of metaphysics in wei and jin dynasties 魏晉玄學之解讀

Metaphysics puzzle and the transcendence of scientific knowledge 困擾與科學知識的超驗性

On knowledge theory as a sort of metaphysics 論作為一種形而上學的知識論

A display of metaphysics - marx ' s criticism of stina ' s criticism 哲學的批判和自我批判芻議

Heidegger ' s transcendence and his return to metaphysics 海德格爾對形而上學的超越與復歸

Analysis of metaphysics as to morality of chinese philosophy 中國哲學之德性形上學辨析