
metaphysical adj.1.形而上學的;玄學的。2.超自然的;先驗的,超...


On metaphysical sphere and concern 形而上學的視域與關懷

The evolution and plight of heaven as the metaphysical root of morality 天作為道德形上根源的演變與困境

The seeds of change - subtle , metaphysical - are rooted deeply 變化的種子- -微妙的、無形的- -深深地扎下根。

On popper ' s the metaphysical turn 評波普爾的形而上學轉向

Intension existence , metaphysical representation of musical meanings 意向存在作為音樂意義的形而上顯現

On the metaphysical state of tao school 論道家的境界形而上學

A complete confucianist : re - evaluation of liang shuming ' s metaphysical ideas 梁漱溟形上學思想論衡

A refined metaphysics comment on popper metaphysical non - historicism 評波普的形而上學歷史非決定論

Emptiness : basic proposition of lao zis metaphysical thinking of quot; tao quot 形上思維的核心概念

Bian zong lun and xie lingyun ' s reformation on metaphysical xuan yan poems 與謝靈運對玄言詩的改制

The causes of metaphysical poetry ' s prosperousness in the east jin dynasty 論東晉玄言詩興盛的原因

Xie lingyun ' s innovation of traditional metaphysical poetry 謝靈運山水詩對傳統玄言討創作的變革

Primary analysis on the thought of kant ' s metaphysical reconstruction 康德形而上學重建思想初探

Aesthetic meanings of metaphysics - evident basis of metaphysical knowledge 形上之知的明證性基礎

Popular culture and metaphysical pursuits 論文化生態圈與文化安全

On kant ' s reconstruction towards metaphysical redemption 康德對形而上學的救贖與重新建構之我見

The metaphysical in modernist literature 西方現代派文學中的形而上

Such an individual becomes a metaphysical abstraction 這么一個人變成了一個形而上的抽象名詞。

A philosophic view of the metaphysical poetry 從哲學的層面看玄言詩