
metaphorical adj.隱喻的。adv.-ly 用隱喻;用比喻。


The key to understanding metaphorical utterance is to find the optimum relevance between metaphorical utterance and its cognitive context 理解隱喻性話語的關鍵就是在隱喻性話語與認知語境之間尋求最佳關聯。

The metaphorical relationship between nature and women can be analyzed by appealing to the concept of metaphor in cognitive semantics 摘要自然與女性的關系可以運用認知語義學中的隱喻概念來闡述。

Sometimes his writing has a metaphorical richness that reminds us of the debt thoreau owes to such authors as sir thomas brown 有時他的文章富有隱喻,這是梭羅得力于托馬斯?布朗之類的作家的地方。

This is denied by other commentators , who argue that the similarity in family names is either coincidental or metaphorical 這被其他評論員否認,爭辯類似的姓氏,要么就是巧合,要么就是隱喻性的。

In a metaphorical sense , however , it is more like a love story between the director riley yip and hong kong cinema 但這不僅是戲中小戀人的初戀,還是導演葉錦鴻和香港電影文化的一次初戀旅程。

One of the two metaphorical poles of the novel emerges in a passage that comes just after the first account of big ben ' s striking 這本小說有兩個極端的比喻出現在首次描述大賓鐘的敲鳴。

Their solution , described in the journal of pharmaceutical sciences , is more than a metaphorical analogy to the condom 《藥物科學雜志》把他們的方案描述成一個隱身的安全套。

Home is a metaphorical concept that reflects a return to unity , a return to wholeness , and return to the oneness 家是一個比喻的概念,表現為回歸統一,回歸整體,回歸全一。

Of the english sayings the ones about animals are metaphorical and interesting in particular 而含隱喻意義的動物諺語尤其絢麗多彩,但足它們往往也是理解的難點。

When asked about these curves , they all described them as metaphorical ways of suggesting motion 我問他們為什么用弧線,他們都說它們是表示動感的比喻手法。

They talk in a metaphorical way , touching on the most vital questions of human existence 作者以隱喻的手法呈現他們之間的對話,內容觸及人生最重要的課題。

Metaphorical analysis of the lack of conceptual fluency and variety in the process of communication 交際過程中概念流利缺乏和多樣性缺乏的隱喻性分析

As to designer , it ' s necessary to choose suitable metaphorical points 因此,創意設計者必須對廣告商品進行準確的定位,選取恰當的隱喻點。

The figurative system of morality and the metaphorical use of the chinese and english language 道德的比喻體系與中英文語言的隱喻用法

A study on children ' s development of the capacity of gaining metaphorical representation of time 兒童時間隱喻表征能力的發展研究

He now has three metaphorical gold medals to add to his chestful of real military gongs 現在在他的行軍箱里又多了3枚金質獎章。

A perception of confucius metaphorical view and its application by the quotations from confucius 看孔子的比喻觀及其運用特點

[ chuckling ] i ' m being metaphorical , bob . know what i mean by cooperative cogs 我是在打比方,鮑勃知道我在用齒輪比喻什么?

The system of arbitrary conception and the systemof metaphorical conception in language 語言中的任意概念系統和隱喻概念系統