
metaphase n.【生物學】中期〔細胞分裂的一個時期〕。


The best tissue was the fin . the concentration of colchicines had great effect on the configuration of the chromosomes , and the concentration of 0 . 02 % is better . the concentration of the kc1 affected the crash of the cells , and had indirect effect on the dispersion of the metaphases 使用的秋水仙素的濃度對染色體的形態有較大的影響,最適的濃度為0 . 02 mol l ,使用的kcl低滲液的濃度決定著細胞破碎的程度,將對滴片的效果產生間接影響,相對來說,濃度為0 . 0375mol l要比濃度為0 . 075mol l的要好。

Sds - page and western blotting of plasmodia of physarum polycephalum showed that cyclin b was present in the plasmodia of s phase , g2 phase , prophase , and metaphase . the molecular weight of cyclin b in physarum polycephalum was around 62kda . cyclin b was gradually accumulated from s phase to metaphase , and reached the maximal level at metaphase , however disappeared in the plasmodia of anaphase and telophase Westernblotting分析結果表明, cyclinb存在于s期、 g _ 2期、前期和中期的原質團中,分子量約為62kda , cyclinb的含量從s期到中期逐漸增加,特別是有絲分裂前期增加明顯,中期原質團cyclinb含量最高,后末期原質團中沒有cyclinb 。

In the present paper , some investigations on loxoblemmus doenitzi ( gryllidae ) are reported . in order to discover the meiosis of spermatomeres and spermiogenesis , slice - pressing method and improved phenol - fuchsin dyeing method are used . in the course of meiosis , primary spermatocytes directly enter metaphase ii , not through telophase i and prophase ii 本論文以直翅目、螽斯亞目、蟋蟀總科、蟋蟀科的多伊棺頭蟋( loxoblemmusdoenitzi )為材料,采用壓片法-改良苯酚品紅染色,研究了精子發生過程中的減數分裂階段和精子形成,發現初級精母細胞第一次減數分裂后不經過末期和前期直接進入中期。

2 . by comparing seriously the domestic and overseas mode of build manages invested by government , especially hong kong ' s , put forward the reformatory strategies . namely , in the near future , single reform is gradually close to international traditions ; in metaphase , build up the department of industry ; in the specified future data , private finance initiative will be come true ( pft ) 2 、通過認真分析比較國際發達國家、地區及國內地區政府投資建設項目管理模式特別是香港特別行政區的管理模式,提出了廈門市改革方案設想,即近期:單項改革、逐步向國際慣例靠攏;中期:設立建筑工務局;遠期:實現政府投資項目的私人融資方式,即privatefinanceinitiative ,簡稱pfi 。

In the laboratory experiment part , human peripheral blood , cultured cells and icr mice were study objects . the changes of mitotic chromosome numbers were measured by human metaphase chromosome counts and statistic analyzed used x2 - test . the changes of meiotic chromosome numbers were measured by mice one - cell zygote chromosome counts and statistic analyzed usedx2 - test . the effects of low dose ionizing radiation on the expression of topoisomerase ii were measured by immunocytochemistry , western blot and rt - pcr 流行病學結果顯示長期小劑量輻射接觸與染色體不分離呈正相關,為進一步在細胞遺傳學和分子生物學方面研究小劑量電離輻射與染色體不分離關系及其機制,本課題第二部分以外周血、培養細胞、 icr小鼠為研究對象,用外周血染色體計數和單細胞受精卵染色體計數的方法研究小劑量輻射和拓撲異構酶復旦大學2000級博士生學位論文11a抑制劑及其二者的協同效應對有絲分裂和減數分裂染色體不分離的影響,用免疫細胞化學染色、 westernblot 、 rt pcr等方法研究了電離輻射引起拓撲異構酶a表達變化。

The information researchers in foreign countries began the study at the metaphase of 1970s , but not until the end of 1990s did they begin to study the information management and consultation as support to the sme ' s business from the national information management strategy point of view 國外的情報工作者和研究者在70年代中期開始關注支撐中小企業的信息管理與咨詢服務問題的研究,而且在90年代末期,開始在國家信息管理戰略的高度研究這一問題。

The reasults are summed up as following : ( 1 ) the more metaphase chromosomes of bmn cells and moderately contraction can be obtained by air - drying after cultured at the colchicine concentration 1 . 0 u g / ml , 28 “ c , for 6 - 9h 用空氣干燥法和培養細胞貼片法對bmn細胞的染色體和有絲分裂進行研究發現: ( 1 )采用空氣干燥法制備bmn細胞的染色體,在終濃度0 . 1ug / ml的秋水仙素28培養6 9h條件下可得到較多中期分裂相,染色體的凝集也比較適中。

Since metaphase and anaphase in the 1990 ' s , enterprise groups “ m & a are frequent in the domestic and international economic lives . lots of them are astounding incipiently , but not sound operation after 3 or 5 years . just short - term refulgence 自上世紀90年代中、后期以來,企業集團并購案在我國經濟生活中頻繁發生,很多是起初轟轟烈烈的,三、五年后便偃旗息鼓,曇花一現,譬如宜昌猴王集團、濟南中國輕騎集團、鄭百文集團等。

In the second chapter , we definitude the concept of equilibrium real exchange rate and analyse its meanings combining with macro economy equilibrium . the equilibrium real exchange rate is the real exchange rate fulfilling the macro internal - and - external equilibrium in the metaphase and long - term 第二章明確了實際匯率的概念、分類以及度量方法,并引入了均衡實際匯率的概念,結合宏觀經濟均衡的思想分析了均衡實際匯率的含義。

Since metaphase and anaphase in the 1990 ' s , enterprise groups “ m & a are frequent in the domestic and international economic lives . lots of them are astounding incipiently , but not sound operation after 3 or 5 years , just short - term refulgence 自上世紀90年代中、后期以來,企業集團并購案在國內外經濟生活中頻乃發生,很多是起初轟轟烈烈, 3 、 5年后偃旗息鼓,曇花一現,譬如宜昌猴王集團、濟南中國輕騎集團、鄭百文集團等。

The metaphases of mitosis were observed under the microscope and the well - dispersed metaphases were selected to statistic the number of the chromosomes . the good - formed metaphases were used to be microphotographed , magnified and measured to study the karyotype of cynoglossus semilaevis gu nther 顯微鏡下觀察分散比較良好的中期分裂相并統計染色體的數量,選取較好的分裂相進行顯微照相,放大和測量,分析半滑舌鰨的核型。

( 4 ) assessing the sustainable development of ten - thousand mountain riverhead forest nature reserve by the evaluation indicator system established . the result shows that this nature reserve is just in prepare metaphase of sustainable development ( 4 )采用本評價指標體系以廣西十萬大山水源林自然保護區的生態旅游為案例進行了評價分析,結果顯示十萬大山水源林自然保護區的生態旅游尚處于可持續發展中級準備階段。

Sharp and mass decrease without necessary supplement was the representation of the increase and decrease of chinese farmer ' s social capital from the metaphase of 1950 ' s to the two - phase of 1970 ' s 摘要急劇、大量減少而又得不到應有的補充,是中國農民的社會資本在20世紀50年代中期至70年代末期的突出表現;造成這種狀況的主要原因無疑是政府將“政社合一”的政策當成了社會轉型的主要手段。

To reflect this , a rut developing model , which is based on viscous - elastic theory and consider dynamic vehicle load , is founded . from simulating result , the model can better explain the regular of prophase and metaphase of rut developing 針對這一問題,課題建立了基于粘彈性力學理論的車轍發展模型,在模型中考慮動載作用的影響,此模型很好地解釋了車轍發展的前期和中期規律。

Results show that when incubated at 24 , the activated eggs entered the s phase after activation for 21 min , the prophase for 24 min , the metaphase for 27 - 30 min , the anaphase for 33 min and the telophase for 36 min 實驗結果表明:在24孵化水溫下,草魚卵在被激活后21min處于第一次卵裂的s期; 24min進入第一次卵裂前期; 27 - 30min處于中期; 33min進入后期; 36min處于末期。

Results also showed that lectins such as pha did not have distinct influence on increasing of metaphase of scallop . intergeneric hybridization between patinopecten yessoensis and chlamys farreri yielded hybrids which can survive to adult 本論文還對pha等外源凝集素對扇貝成體組織染色體的制備的影響進行了研究,結果未觀察到pha對增加扇貝染色體分裂相有顯著的影響。

Mitotic extracts were prepared from the synchronous metaphase plasmodia of physarum polycephalum . the results of western blotting indicated that cyclin b was a component of the mitotic extracts of physarum polycephalum 我們自同步化生長的多頭絨泡菌中獲得了有絲分裂中期提取物, westernblotting分析表明提取物中含有cyclinb 。

In the metaphase of precipitation , the high - layer inertia - gravity wave presented indirect circulation posture circling the center of low - layer vortex . . at this time precipitation became stronger and moved towards the east 在降水的中期,高層的重力慣性波出現圍繞低層渦旋中心逆時針旋轉的形勢,此時降水開始加大并東移。

The total number of r - bands found in the chromosomes is 100 , which is approximately 1 / 4 to 1 / 5 of that of the vertebrate metaphase chromosome r - bands . they consist of 57 positive , 33 negative and 10 variable bands 在100條r帶中陽性帶有57個,陰性帶有33個,可變帶有10個,約有722 %的染色體區域顯示r帶陽性結果。