
metamorphosis n.(pl. -ses ) 變形,變狀;(一般)變質;【...


Fixed a problem with metamorphosis and chemical rage that allowed the timer to remain active after the hero had died 修正了變形(惡魔獵手)和化學狂暴(地精煉金術士)在英雄死亡后仍需計算時間的問題。

When the miracle of metamorphosis is complete , the eclosing , or rupture of a chrysalid , is one of nature ' s most sublime moments 當蛻變奇跡完成后,蝴蝶破蛹而出是大自然最神奇的時刻之一。

Furthermore , l - thyroxine do n ' t show any effects on the settlement and metamorphosis of ascidian larvae . 3 此外, l - thyroxine對冠瘤海鞘幼體的附著變態均未表現出顯著的促進或抑制作用。

The temporal and spatial expression of gfap and vimentin of olfactory system of xenopus laevis during metamorphosis 變形期非洲爪蛙嗅覺系統膠質原纖維酸性蛋白和波形蛋白的時空表達

Metamorphosis : the transformation of the body into new shapes , from sprouting claws or fangs to creating a homunculus 蛻術:改變自身到新形體之法,如長出爪牙和創造人彘等。

Moreover , the films mixing 9 bacteria can facilitate the settlement and metamorphosis of s . canopus larvae 此外, 9種細菌的混合菌膜可顯著地促進冠瘤海鞘幼體的附著與變態。

Fixed a problem with metamorphosis and chemical rage that allowed the timer to remain active after the hero had died 修正了英雄死后,變身和化學憤怒仍然繼續計時的問題。

Introduction : a metamorphosis of the game , to avoid the bullets flew over to see how long you can sustain it 一款變態的游戲,躲過飛過來的子彈,看看你能撐多長時間。

I think you ' ll be pleasantly surprised ; she ' s undergone quite a metamorphosis since you last saw her 我想你會感到驚喜;自從上次你見到她之后,她歷經了徹底的蛻變。

Cterolepisma villosa fabricius is an insect of incomplete metamorphosis which reproduces several generations a year 毛衣魚為不完全變態昆蟲,一年發生數代。

Dual effect of folk opera performance market in tang dynasty - seen from metamorphosis of the sanskrit 從梵劇的蛻變看唐代民間戲樂表演市場對戲劇藝術的雙重作用

A metamorphosis of the game , to avoid the bullets flew over to see how long you can sustain it 一款變態的游戲,躲過飛過來的子彈,看看你能撐多長時間。

Induction of metamorphosis of the southern bay scallop argopecten irradians concentricus larvae by chemical cues 化學物質對墨西哥灣扇貝幼蟲變態的誘導

The metamorphoses , tactics , and strategies of the object exceed the subject ' s understanding 客體的蛻變、技倆、和策略是主體的理解力所望塵莫及。

The detection of these rings will help us understand the last metamorphosis of stars . 探測這些環狀,將有助我們了解星體最后的蛻變過程。

From heaven to earth : metamorphosis of the original real relationship among heaven , earth , man and divinity 天地人神的原始本真關系的蛻變

Metamorphosis ball drift 變態漂移球

Tadpoles become frogs by metamorphosis ; they lose their tails and grow legs 蝌蚪因蛻變而變成青蛙; ?們去掉了尾巴、長了腿。

The metamorphosis of society , the phoenix , and montag are intertwined 社會、鳳凰和孟泰格,三個的意像一起交錯糾纏形變。