
metamorphose vt.使變形[質];使變成(to into)。 a me...


Using ki index method can distinguish the extremely lowly metamorphose rock from non - metamorphose rock , and can distinguish the extremely lowly metamorphic rock from shallow metamorphic rock , and therefore solve the problem of the classification of the transitional rock between sedimentary rock and shallow metamorphic rock 使用伊利石結晶度指數法可以將極低級變質與未變質的巖石類型區分開,也可以將極低變質與淺變質的巖石類型區分開,從而解決了沉積巖與淺變質巖之間過渡巖石類型劃分的難題。

Metamorphosing between the traditional and the modern , the second legends of china festival brings together talents from the most highly concentrated chinese community in the world - or what is collectively called three places on both sides of the strait by the chinese - and gives them a boundless platform to display what they are best at 正因如此,第二屆的中國傳奇藝術節就游走在傳統與現代的兩極,在世界上華人社群最多的兩岸三地匯集人材,以各人各地最擅勝場的作品,共冶一爐,呈獻給香港的觀眾。

However , we could n ' t overestate the level of export substitution . in the first place , it directly faced up to the globe , the metamorphose in an unpredictable way in the world such as the convert of the science and technology development in international society , the convert of inclination of consumption , the transmit of the power of which price could have been made decisions by oneself and the increasing of tariff that other coutries levied towards china at random and also the supply of other raw materials which were processed in other coutries and regions , and so it was very difficult to develop continually . moreever , the central government of modern china was weak and incapable , it did n ' t know the 其加工附加值低,加工鏈不長,出口替代業遠未形成獨立發展的格局,它的許多產品大多來自進口替代企業,而這也就從根本上決定了中國的出口產品在國際上并不可能走得太遠,它只得往那銷一向些比中國更落后的地區擠占,比如南洋一帶,并且在這些地還仗著華僑的集中與愛國優勢的卵翼,因此,國際市場,生產的主要是些初級品或半成品,中國的出口制成品少,并且其國際競爭力也很弱,從它發展的如此局促,我們應更多地思考造成這種狀況的原因,并從中吸取教訓,以便更好地推進當今中國的出口加工業朝更高的水平發展。

We have applied this system in the research of microcirculatory disturbance , and have got some very useful information of the change in microvascular . these information help us to grasp the physiology metamorphose of sd - rat in this status , at the same time these information can assist us to screen some medicine 此系統應用于微循環障礙實驗中,得到了血流速度的變化情況,很好的反映了大鼠生理變化的情況,同時在藥物的篩選中有一定的指導意義。

From the experiment results , the algorithm can automatically metamorphose image and avoid the most tedious part of image morphing . 4 . a automatic image morphing algorithm based on modifying active contour model is present , which automatically specifies the feature point with modifying active contour model 用戶只需在被變形圖象上粗略地給定幾個初始點,算法就能自動準確地指定被變形圖象的特征基元,并且能自動確定其對應關系。

At intervals a couple would approach the doorway for air , and the haze no longer veiling their features , the demigods resolved themselves into the homely personalities of her own next door neighbours . could trantridge in two or three short hours have metamorphosed itself thus madly 跳舞間歇時,一對舞伴就會走到門口,呼吸幾口新鮮空氣,那時候煙塵從他們四周消散了,那些半人半仙的人物也就變成了她隔壁鄰居中的普通人物了。

The textures of myanmar jadeitites are classified into three major types according to the forming stages and the petro - graphic features : primary texture , deformed - metamorphosed texture and post - filled texture , and their gemmological implications are discussed 依據其形成階段及巖相學特征將緬甸硬玉巖的結構首次分為三大類:原生結構、變形變質結構及后生充填結構。

I resumed a livelier vein of conversation . it is time some one undertook to rehumanise you , said i , parting his thick and long uncut locks ; for i see you are being metamorphosed into a lion , or something of that sort “現在該是有人讓你重新變成人的時候了, ”我說著,扒開了他又粗又長沒有理過的頭發“因為我知道你正蛻變成一頭獅子,或是獅子一類的東西。

It is suitable for drying heat sensitive raw materials that can decompose and polymerize and metamorphose at high temperature . it is wide used in pharmaceutical , chemical , foodstuff and electronic industries 適用于在高溫下易分解,聚合和變質的熱敏性物料的低溫干燥;被廣泛地采用在制藥、化工、食品、電子等行業。

It is suitable for drying heat sensitive raw materials that can decompose and polymerize and metamorphose at high temperature . it is wide used in pharmaceutical , chemical , foodstuff and electronic industries 適用于在高溫下易分解,聚合和變質的熱敏性物料的低溫干燥;被廣泛應用在制藥、化工、食品、電子等行業。

An angular unconformable contact was for the first time found between the middle jurassic bathonian stage and its underlying pre - ordovician metamorphosed basement in the chawola district , in nyainrong county 摘要在聶榮縣查吾拉區一帶首次發現中侏羅統巴通階與下伏前奧陶系基底變質巖系之間呈角度不整合接觸。

Fifty years later the european economic community has changed out of all recognition , having metamorphosed into the european union and grown far beyond the original six members 50年間,歐共體演變成歐盟,成員國也遠不只原來的6個國家,歐共體已面目全非。

There are two kinds of rock mass seen in the region , one is jiaodong group to the moderate metamorphose extent , another one is the granite 區內出露巖性主要有兩大類,一類是中深變質程度的膠東群,另一類是花崗巖。

The forests have departed , but some old customs of their shades remain . many , however , linger only in a metamorphosed or disguised form 茂密的森林已經消失了,但是森林濃蔭下曾經有過的一些古老風俗依然還在。

This distortion allows the red blood cells to metamorphose from cells that nourish to “ obstacles that starve and damage downstream tissues “ ( 1 ) 這種變形允許紅細胞從細胞間通過,導致下游組織營養受損[ 1 ] 。

The result is that the madisonian system of checks and balances has metamorphosed into something akin to a parliamentary system 其結果是相互制衡的麥迪遜系統變質成類似成議會系統的某些東西。

It was pleasing for the older initiates to see how these caterpillars had metamorphosed into butterflies 為什么要參與大眾服務工作?毛毛蟲已然蛻變成蝴蝶,真是令人欣喜!

A nymph who metamorphosed into a laurel tree as a means of escaping from apollo 月桂樹葉被陽光照到的地方像漆一般光潔。

All that took place in this temple has metamorphosed the course of time 在這神廟里曾發生的事情改變了歲月流逝的進程。