
metamorphism n.1.【地質學;地理學】變質(作用)。2.變態,變形,...


Based on the studies of the “ bedding “ and “ sedimentary relic “ of granite in the proterozic strata at huangqikou of the middle part of helanshan , the authors think that the proterozoic granite in the area was produced by metasomatic metamorphism , which formed during the time when the earth crust became thinner 對賀蘭山中段黃旗口元古代地層中存在于花崗巖中“層理” 、 “殘留體”等地質現象進行研究,認為該地區花崗巖是由元古代沉積巖經過變質交代作用而形成的,這種變質交代作用可能發生在古元古代,在秦祁賀三叉裂谷活動之前地殼變薄的大地構造環境下形成。

Based on a comprehensive review on research results of metamorphic rocks , the authors argue that the formation and exhumation of uhpm ultra - high pressure metamorphite experienced two stages , i . e . , cold slab subduction and exhumation during 240200ma , and lithosphere delamination and thermal exhumation during 196163ma . the rapid thermal exhumation , co - occurred with extensive regional metamorphism and intermediate - acidic magmatism , implied that the subducted slabs had broken off and delaminated . the 通過全面評述該區變質巖研究成果,作者認為:超高壓變質巖的形成和剝露經歷了240200ma的板片冷俯沖冷折返和196163ma的巖石圈拆沉熱折返熱折返伴隨了廣泛而強烈的區域變質作用和中酸性巖漿活動,指示板片斷離拆沉的發生超高壓變質巖

Lithosphere delamination is an important way for compositional and structural evolution of collisional orogens . geotectonic research , geophysical survey and geochemical analysis have revealed that the lithosphere of east qinling - dabie mountains had delaminated intensively in mesozoic . however , the extensive mesozoic metamorphism and magmatism have been weakly related to lithosphere delamination 構造地質研究地球物理探測和地球化學分析等都已揭示東秦嶺-大別造山帶曾在中生代發生巖石圈拆沉,但有關中生代變質作用和巖漿活動與巖石圈拆沉的內在聯系研究卻較為薄弱。

This area was controlled by four large - scale faults : south kunlun suture , jinsshajiang suture , bangonghu suture and yaluzangbu suture . this area has undergone polymetamorphism and deformation and at least three periods of magmatism . continuous activities of magmatism , metamorphism were mainly controlled by collision of the terranes _ 1 : 240 - ( ) 220ma ,巴顏喀拉洋殼向昆侖地體俯沖,以昆侖巖帶和阿尼瑪卿巖帶中cag型巖漿侵位為標志;阿爾金剪切作用發生。

The two wings tectonics and metamorphism in tai ping - shan syncline were studied by the method of comparison , and it has been proved that the intrusion of fang shan magmatic rock was the sources of various geological effects , all different typical geological phenomena are the results of magmatic rock intrusion , and the nearer distance the area to the fang shan magmatic rock , the stronger effect it has 本文通過比較分析的方法,對太平山向斜南北兩翼構造變形和變質進行了研究,提出了“房山巖體”的侵入作用是本區各種地質作用的主要動力來源,區內各種典型的地質及構造地質現象是巖體侵入作用的結果,離巖體越近影響程度越大,遠離巖體逐漸減弱。

It is pointed out that in the studied area there exist katogene metamorphism ( area ) ; igneous contact metamorphism , where the katogene metamorphism is dominated , the igneous contacting metamorphism is only distributed in yongzheng area etc , for which the influence of thermal evolution is greatly limited 指出研究區存在深成(區域)變質和火成接觸變質兩種類型,且以深成(區域)變質類型為主,火成接觸變質類型僅分布在永城等局部地區,對有機質熱演化的影響范圍極為有限。

The main achievements obtained in this paper are as follows : 1 . some of new recognitions were obtained on such aspects as strata sequence , rock type , metamorphism , hydrothermal alteration and the sedimentary environment by the study on many profiles in this area , with discovery of volcanic rocks for the first time in ore - bearing strata and ore bodies 取的了如下主要成果和認識: 1 、通過對礦區地層多條剖面的研究,對地層的層序、巖石類型、變質作用、熱液蝕變及原巖沉積環境有了新的認識,特別是在賦礦地層及礦體中首次發現了火山巖。

In the light of rock association , origin , age , deformation and metamorphism , disintegration and collage , migration and displacement , the “ litang ophiolite group “ is redefined as the “ litang ophiolitic melange group “ , which may be redivided into two formation complexes , i . e . the kar ophiolite formation and waneng ophiolite formation and five types of exotic blocks composed of clastics and marbles 按結合帶內巖塊的不同組分、不同來源、不同時代、不同變形變質程度的不同,對各類巖塊進行四維裂解拼合復原后劃分為兩個巖組(卡爾蛇綠巖組、瓦能蛇綠巖組)及碎屑巖、大理巖等組成的5類外來巖塊。

The research for metallogenic evolution mechanism in the region indicates that gold ore formation has undergone three stages : gold elementary source bed formation stage from the neo - archean to the paleo - proterozoic and meso - proterozoic , regional metamorphism - migmatization gold reenrichment stage at the late meso - proterozoic , structure - fluid - gold mineralization stage at the yanshan period 對礦帶成礦演化機理的研究表明,金礦形成經歷了3個階段:新太古至古、中元古代金初始礦源層形成階段;中元古代末期區域變質混合巖化金再富集階段和燕山期構造流體金成礦作用階段。

Synthetically analyzed the fracture , earthquake , coal ranks and their distribution , coal seam ' s buried depth and so on , the authors have realised that low - rank bituminites , early - middle jurassic in tianshan area , are formed by burial metamorphism , and it is widespread 摘要通過對天山地區的斷裂構造、地震、地熱、煤級及其時空分布、煤層埋深等因素的綜合分析,認為天山北緣及其鄰區早中侏羅世大范圍分布的低級煙煤主要由深成變質作用形成,深成變質作用具普遍性。

The results indicate that submarine hot water deposition is the main ore - forming process of the uranium - bearing vonsenite deposit , and that the economic deposit was formed on the basis of further enrichment of boron and iron through the superposition and transformation by regional metamorphism and migmatization 研究表明,該礦床的成礦作用主要表現為海底熱水沉積成礦,區域變質混合巖化作用對礦床進行了強烈的疊加改造,使硼鐵進一步富集而形成工業礦床。

All these rocks aforementioned are mainly parametamorphic rocks . milan , kaqiang and alamasi group underwent high - grade metamorphism of amphibolite facies , together with weak migmatism . they share the same geochemistry and total ree and many other chracters 二者主要為副變質巖石,米蘭巖群和卡羌巖群、阿拉瑪斯巖群變質較深為角閃巖相,普遍弱混合巖化,它們具有非常相似的地球化學特征,稀土元素總量及其它特點一致或相近。

The majority of fujian gold deposits can be put under predevonian regional metamorphism - epigenetic thermal fluid telescoped and regenerated gold metallogenic system and yanshan tectonic - magmatic thermal fluid gold metallogenic system 根據福建省金礦成礦機理和成礦特征把省內主要金礦劃歸前泥盆紀區域變質?后生熱液疊加改造金礦成礦系統和燕山期構造巖漿-熱液金礦成礦系統。

On thebasis of describing mineralogy characteristics such as combination electron minro - form , crystallinity of clay minerals , the relationship between coal series clay minerals in themesozoic era in ningxia area and coal metamorphism was analyzed 在概述粘土礦物組合、電子顯微形態和結晶度等礦物學特征的基礎上,探討了寧夏地區中生代煤系粘土礦物與煤變質的關系。

After making detailed research on ore - controlling factors , the author points out that gold deposits in fujian resulted from the various geologic processes such as sedimentation , metamorphism , tectonism and magmatism 詳細研究了福建省金礦的金礦的控礦因素,提出省內金礦的形成是沉積作用、變質作用、構造作用和巖漿作用(包括火山作用)的綜合結果。

But during intensive tectonic processes such as orogenesis , metamorphism , emergences and erosion of the land , these contrasting elements found each other and crystallised out to make one of our most beautiful gemstones 但在極復雜激烈的地質構造過程中,諸如造山構造變質浮現和土地的侵蝕,這些原本對立的元素相互結合及結晶成為最美麗的寶石之一。

The long - term overlooking of the organic matter metamorphism as one of important factors in hydrocarbon reservoir preservation condition and not taking it into consideration in the petroliferous prospect assessment system would be the major masons 用這一方法研究表明,在川黔桂地區,定碳比小于90 %的有瘦煤及輕的煤變質區,可以發現氣田。

Lots of information suggest that the metamorphism process of this area are from granulite facies to amphibolite facies and the retrograded metamorphic path is basically a cw nearly isothermal decompressional evolvement trend 各種信息表明本區的變質作用是由麻粒巖相退變到角閃巖相。退變質軌跡基本上是一個順時針近等溫減壓型演化趨勢。

Since the gas pipeline of handan has operated for many years , a lot of problems have appeared such as corrosion damage , anticorrosive coating aging metamorphism and gas leakage 摘要邯鄲市煤氣管網經過20多年的運行已進入了事故多發期,出現了腐蝕漏氣、防腐層老化變質等問題,因此必須對全市煤氣管網進行全面的腐蝕情況普查和安全性分析。