
metamorphic adj.1.變化的,變形的;改變結構的。2.【地質學;地...


The matching connection between the effective hydrocarbon source rock in jurassic and the other factors of formating - resource in kuche is also influenced by the time of formation of the metamorphic core complex 同時還認為變質核雜巖的形成時期還影響了庫車坳陷侏羅系主力烴源巖同其他成藏要素的匹配關系。

Dead code introduced by a metamorphic virus could be removed using dead - code eliminatio reordering of i tructio by introducing jump statements can be undone by reordering the i tructio 變形病毒所插入的死代碼會被死代碼消除過程移除;藉由插入跳轉語句重新排序的指令可以通過重新整理那些指令來復原。

Hong kong experienced lots of land - making processes in its long geological history , hence various types of volcanic , igneous , sedimentary and metamorphic rocks could be found in the territory 香港地質歷史源遠流長,經歷過許多的造地過程,故境內可找到多種類的火山巖、火成巖、沉積巖和變質巖。

In the sog connty - zogang stratigraphic area , including the chawola district , only the bathonian stage in the middle jurassic unconformably overlaps on the “ shallow basement “ metamorphic series 在包括查吾拉區在內的索縣左貢地層分區中,中侏羅統僅有巴通階超覆不整合于“淺基底”變質巖系之上。

Beidahe group is a suit of metamorphic rock by multiple phases of metamorphion - deformation in the west part of north qilian mountains , it is basement terrain in the west of qilian orogenic belt 北大河巖群是出露在西祁連的一套經過多期次變質變形改造的變質巖系,是西祁連造山帶的基底地質體。

Hong kong experienced lots of land - making processes in its long geological history , hence various types of volcanic , igneous , sedimentary and metamorphic rocks could be found in the territory 香港地質歷史源遠流長,經歷過許多的造地過程,故境內可找到多種類的火山巖火成巖沉積巖和變質巖。

Conclusion the taihua complex in the area is a metamorphic complex undergone low - angle overthrust from the south to the north and uplifting lately by fault blocking , rather than a mcc 結論小秦嶺地區的太華雜巖解釋為經歷了從南向北的鏟狀逆沖推覆和后期抬升塊斷剝露的變質雜巖更為合理。

The strata of the region are divided into two structural layers : the basement rock consisting of metamorphic rock and cover layer of mesozoic and neozoic sedimentary rock . 將本區的地層劃分為兩個構造層:既變質巖系構成的基底構造層;中生代、新生代的沉積巖系構成的蓋層構造層。

Based on a parallelogram linkage , a kind of metamorphic mechanisms is introduced which are constructed by extending the linkage to multiple loops 摘要利用平行四邊形機構在共線位置時的特性,以平行四邊形機構為基本單元,采用迭加法綜合出一系列平行四邊形組合變胞機構。

If a virus writer , or a metamorphic engine , attempts to obfuscate the computation of the port number , the anti - virus system may apply constant folding to de - obfuscate it 如果某個病毒作者或變形引擎企圖使端口號的計算變得混亂,反病毒系統可能運用常數合并來反混淆。

If a virus writer , or a metamorphic engine , attempts to obfuscate the computation of the port number , the anti - virus system may a ly co tant folding to de - obfuscate it 如果某個病毒作者或變形引擎企圖使端口號的計算變得混亂,反病毒系統可能運用常數合并來反混淆。

A metamorphic virus may apply constant unfolding randomly to different constants appearing in the program , thereby generating code that looks different from the original 變形病毒可能對程序中出現的各不同常數隨機地應用常數展開,借此生成看似不同于原始的代碼。

A metamorphic virus may a ly co tant unfolding randomly to different co tants a earing in the program , thereby generating code that looks different from the original 變形病毒可能對程序中出現的各不同常數隨機地應用常數展開,借此生成看似不同于原始的代碼。

Nor is there evidence for metamorphic minerals such as slate or marble , produced when volcanic or sedimentary rocks are subjected to high pressure or temperature 此外,板巖、大理巖等由火山巖或沉積巖受高壓、高溫影響而形成的變質礦物,也不見存在的證據。

If there is one thing we can learn from polymorphic and metamorphic viruses it is that virus writers enjoy the challenge of beating the anti - virus technologies 如果說我們能從多態病毒和變形病毒那里學到什么,那就是病毒作者享受打敗反病毒技術這種挑戰。

Millions of years ago , metamorphic schists , gneisses and quartzites formed impressive , flat - topped inselbergs on a vast plain in the shadow of kilimanjaro 百萬年前,變質的石板片麻巖和石英巖,在乞力馬札羅山附近廣闊的平原形成壯觀島嶼似的

The ore - finding indexes of gold deposits of metamorphic rock category , volcanic rock category and intrusive igneous rock contact category have been summarized 系統總結了省內變質巖型金礦、火山巖型金礦和侵入巖型金礦的找礦標志。

Reconstruction of protoliths of metamorphic rocks and tectonic setting of the haiyuan group in the haiyuan in the eastern segment of the north qilian mountains , china 北祁連山東段海原一帶海原群變質巖原巖恢復及其構造背景

It is a metamorphic rock , meaning that it composed of more than one mineral . it is sometimes confused with jade and improperly called indian jade 東陵玉aventurine ,亦稱海洋石或東陵石,最早產于印度,故又名“印度玉” 。