
metalwork n.金屬制品[制造]。n.-er 金屬制造工。-ing ...


Shandong tengzhou huacheng metal co . , ltd . enjoyed free mport anf export right awaeded by the state evonomic and trade co mmissiom , with 20years histoy of specolozed in metalwork . our favtory lovated in beauty spot of honghe everglade near weoshan lake in the south - eest of shandong rovince . we regisstered fund is 22 800 000rmb , and thr acreagr id 30000 squares , anthe workshop is 12000 squares , with 358 workerd ( not include the 16 filiale ) but 21 of them are advanced engineers , advances technology , completely testing equipment , good quantity of produces , and advance technology about surface producing , under the spirit of together effort with our clients , our company would make a new view on the surface making in many fields , such as : airplane , vessel , armory , car , container and so on 山東省滕州市華成金屬制品有限公司是一家具有中華人民共和國自營進出口資格的企業,已有20多年專業生產金屬磨料的歷史,公司位于中國魯西南地區的微山湖紅荷濕地風景區,公司注冊資本2280萬元人民幣,工廠面積30000平方米,車間面積12000平方米,員工358名(不包括下屬16個分廠)其中高級工程技術人員21名,技術力量雄厚,質量檢測手段完善,產品質量穩定,具有先進的表面處理技術.公司本著與客戶共同努力的觀點,在材料和技術應用上不斷創新,不斷提高,把飛機,造船,兵工,車輛,集裝箱等行業的表面處理,強化,推向一個嶄新的局面

Production of high - grade professional office partition series , metalwork series of steel and wood products , fire plastic sheet series , college student apartments and matching furniture out series of laboratory equipment ; while supporting taiwan classes , office sofa , coffee table , office swivel chair and hotel furniture series 專業生產中高檔辦公屏風系列,五金鋼木制品系列,防火膠板系列,高校學生公寓配套家具列以及實驗室設備系列;同時配套班臺、辦公沙發、茶幾、辦公轉椅及酒店家具等系列。

We could offer the automatic dust - free painting production line for manufacture , tunnel drying oven line , paint coating production line for metalwork , paint coating production line for glass - work , paint coating production line for woodwork , powder coatingproducte line for metalwork , whole series of painting cabinet , all classes of drying oven , uv light drying , fresh air supply sy - stem , static dust removal equipment , emission 、 waste water control system and net printingproduction equipment , conveying equipment , electronic production equiment etc 公司專業提供塑膠制品自動無塵涂裝線,隧道式烤爐流水線,金屬制品噴油生產線,玻璃制品噴油生產線,木制品噴油生產線,金屬制品噴粉生產線,全系列噴漆柜、噴粉房,各類?爐、烘爐, uv光固化機,鮮風供給系統,靜電除塵設備,廢氣、廢水處理系統及絲印生產設備,物流輸送設備,電子生產設備等。

To make quality professional metalwork , the factory has equipped itself with high - class means of inspection and high - caliber management personnel and followed the iso9000 quality standard in sorting , melting , pressing , pulling , etc 鄺邊金屬制品廠為制造品質優良的專業金屬,在原料選配熔煉、鑄造、擠壓、拉伸、退火、酸洗、聯合拉? 、精磨等工序,配備一流的檢查手段,高素質的管理人員,結合iso9000品質管理標準,確保鄺邊銅材品質優良。

Whereas art historians will discuss how the splendid chandelier shows the wealth and stature of the italian businessman arnolfini , then visiting the low countries , i will show how such metalwork reveals much about geometrical perspective and projections 藝術史學者會討論,華麗的吊燈如何顯示出當時正在尼德蘭(現在的荷蘭)的義大利巨賈阿諾菲尼的財富與名望,我則要顯示這件金屬工藝如何揭露許多幾何透視與投影的事實。

Shanghai zhengcai metalwork ltd . was found at 2001 , we pre - ferical produce all kinds of carport , bike shed , export hardw - are and foreign trade . the company pos - sess of seasoned te - chnical personnels andworkers 上海正彩金屬制品有限公司成立于2001年,是一家生產各式停車棚、停車架、出口金屬制品及貿易多元化為一體的專業公司。公司擁有優秀的開發設計員,經驗豐富、技術過硬的生產隊伍和完善的生產設備。

This is the first time to show the collection of teakettles owned by seikado in a full scale . they also exhibit valuable metalworks used for the tea ceremony such as flower vases made of bronze and cloisonn ? water jugs and teakettle ? lid rests 在本次展覽會,將介紹靜嘉堂所收藏的茶之湯釜,同時還有在茶席上使用的其他金屬用品古銅花入、七寶花入、砂張( sahari )水指、蓋置等也將一并展出。

Most scholars believe that the arms of brass and copper alloy european metalwork were cast whole from a single mold in van eyck ' s time ; crockets were not soldered or riveted onto the main arms 多數學者相信,在范艾克的時代,歐洲的黃銅或其他銅合金的金屬工藝中,整只吊燈臂是從一個模子里鑄出來的;而且上面的雕飾并不是焊接或鉚接到燈臂主體上。

After 1920 , with investments from overseas chinese , modern industries and businesses including textiles , garments , metalwork and enamelware were set up along the coastal area up to lai chi kok . second world war 一九二零年以后,由于海外華僑的投資,較現代化的工商業從沿海地帶一直伸展至荔枝角,行業包括紡織、制衣、五金及搪瓷。

After 1920 , with investments from overseas chinese , modern industries and businesses including textiles , garments , metalwork and enamelware were set up along the coastal area up to lai chi kok second world war 一九二零年以后,由于海外華僑的投資,較現代化的工商業從沿海地帶一直伸展至荔枝角,行業包括紡織、制衣、五金及搪瓷。

Criminisi and i confirmed the high symmetry of such metalwork by applying our perspective analysis to a true projection ? a modern photograph ? of a direct casting of a 15th - century four - arm lichtkroon 我與克里米尼西用透視法,分析一盞15世紀四臂吊燈投射在相片上的投影,確認了它的高度對稱性。

Dongying huaao precision metalwork co . , ltd is located in dongying city , where the yellow river flows into sea , also the hinterland of shengli oil field - the second largest oil field in china 華奧金屬制品公司座落在山東省東營市,這里是黃河入海口,也是中國第二大油田勝利油田的基地。

Cloths , metalwork and human bones , were lent to yale for 18 months in 1916 , but the new haven , connecticut , university has made them part of its collection 1916年,這些東西暫時借給耶魯大學保存18個月,但是位于美國康涅狄格州紐黑文市的耶魯大學卻將其作為自己收藏品的一部分。

Buddhist art , scholar s objects , chinese painting , bronzes , tang sancai tricolor ware , metalwork and jade are items on which the reputation of jeff hsu s art has been based 早期公司經營雖是以佛教藝術文玩雜項中國油畫銅器唐三彩彩繪陶器及金銀器玉器等為強項。

It is based on the application of explicit finite element ( fe ) analysis codes to study volute vane behavior under metalwork impact conditions 根據實際葉片的特點設計了葉片金屬塊撞擊的試驗件,按照不同的條件進行了撞擊試驗。

This paper is about the experiment and numeric simulation of the metalwork impact on the volute vane of the particle separator 與此同時,帶來的影響是粒子分離器本身可能受沙石和硬物的撞擊,其強度與壽命將受到很大影響。

We are engaged in metalwork and stamping work design , process and service , also assembling for commumication machine and cabinet 主要從事鈑金件、沖壓件的設計、生產與服務,以及通訊機柜的系統集成。

Then there are engraved silver collars and german and austrian baroque ( 12 ) collars decorated with metalwork and velvet ( 13 ) 之后出現銀質雕刻項圈、經過金屬加工和天鵝絨德國、奧地利巴洛克式項圈。

The factory covers more than 60000 square meters , mainly deals in pressing , welding , spreading & installing of the metalworks 工廠占地面積6萬多平方米,主要從事金屬制品的壓延、焊裝、涂裝的生產。