
metalloid adj.似金屬的。n.非金屬;類金屬,準金屬。


The mine geology disaster is an important branch of geology disaster , at present the mine geology disaster of our country has many characteristics , such as varied , widely distributed , great influence , conspicuous potential hazard , and the coal mine is heavier than being not , the metal mine is heavier than the metalloid mine ; the type of mine geology hazard relate to mine scale , way of exploitation , mineral type and the area 摘要礦山地質災害是地質災害的一個重要分支,目前,我國礦山地質災害具有種類多,分布廣,影響大,潛在災害隱患突出,且煤炭礦山重于非煤礦山,金屬礦山重于非金屬礦山;礦山地質災害類型與礦山規模、開采方式、礦產類型及所處地域相關等特點。

The 3d coordinate measurement machine form usa , universal tool microscope from germany , intellectual flatness check device , metalloid graphic analyzer , electric and pneumatic measurement instruments and high performance steering test equipment ensure the products quality and play the important role for the products development 從國外進口的三坐標測量儀、德國萬能工具顯微鏡、智能平面度檢查儀、金相圖像分析系統、電動量儀、氣動量儀和日本的高性能動力轉向系統試驗設備,保證動力轉向器的性能質量。

Calculations of the density of alloys based on bernal - type models of the alloys metal component agreed fairly well with the experimentally determined values from measurements on alloys consisting of a noble metal together with a metalloid , such as alloys of palladium and silicon , or alloys consisting of iron , phosphorus , and carbon , although small discrepancies remained 對于合金密度的計算,以伯納爾建立的金屬模型為基礎的計算,很大程度上等同于實驗中測量的結果,測量是針對于貴重金屬和非金屬的合金,比如說,鈀和硅的合金,或者由鐵、磷、和碳組成的合金,盡管還存在一些小的差異。

Characterization of severe acute occupational poisoning accidents related to metal and metalloid in china between 1989 and 1989至2003年全國金屬及類金屬化合物重大急性職業中毒的特征

“ c “ for tensile strength below 20 kg mm2 , such as cast iron , nonferrous metals and metalloid 抗拉強度20 kg mm2以下抗張力小的鑄鐵有色金屬非金屬時用c

Selenium is one of the most important metalloid element existing in biotic environment 硒是生物環境中存在的一種重要的類金屬元素。

Aerospace ; carbon fibres ; chemical analysis ; determination of the metalloid elements 航空航天.碳纖維.化學分析.類金屬元素的測定