
metal n.1.金屬;金屬制品;金屬合金。2.【化學】金屬元素;...

metal ceramic

If a coil has no metal core it has an air core . 如果線圈沒有金屬芯子,它就有一個空氣芯子。

Two thin strips of gold are fastened to a narrow metal rod . 兩條金箔固定在一根細金屬桿上。

Most other metals do not have such a flat yield region . 其它多數金屬沒有這種平的屈服區域。

He is of true metal . 他是一個真正有勇氣的人。

When air is moving, the metal is pivoted on the hinge . 當空氣流動時,金屬板在鉸鏈上轉動。

He heated the metal and drew it out into a long wire . 他把金屬燒熱,并將它拉成一條長線。

The sanctuary lamp and the metal furniture were bronze . 圣燈和一切金屬器物都是青銅制品。

Lead will fuse at a lower temperature than some other metals . 鉛熔化的溫度比別的金屬低。

If metal gets hot it expands . 金屬遇熱則膨脹。

How are metals concentrated . 金屬是怎樣富集的?

Metals expand when heated . 金屬受了熱就會膨脹。

At room temperature all the metals are paramagnetic . 在室溫時,所有的金屬都是順磁性的。

The riveter riveted the metal sheets to the ship 's bottom . 鉚工把薄金屬板鉚在船底上。

The nut moves quite slowly along the thread in the metal . 螺母沿金屬螺紋移動得相當慢。

First you have to fish out all the glass and metal . 首先你必須把所有的玻璃金屬揀出來。

Some pistons have seating rings of metal or leather . 有些活塞上有金屬或皮革的密封環。

These metals satisfy the requirements of low resistance . 這些金屬能滿足低電阻的要求。

Strong acids attack metals . 強酸對金屬有腐蝕作用。

How do acids react on metals ? 酸對金屬起什么反應?