
metage n.容量[重量]的官方檢定;(容量、重量)檢定費。


Through the analysis of contest experimental test questions from 1995 to 2003 , it is found that metage , synthesis , standardization and determination are the characteristics of these years “ experimental test questions . chemistry experiment is based on the elementary knowledge , especially checking the usage of suction pipet and buret . the core of questions lies on the basic operation of metage , dissolution , suction , refluxing , filter , wash and titration 通過對1996 - 2003年化學競賽決賽實驗題進行分析得出: “稱量?合成?標定?測定”是近幾年實驗試題的特點;化學實驗重在基礎,特別是考察移液管和滴定管的使用;基本操作如稱量、溶解、移液、回餾、抽濾、洗滌、滴定等是實驗考查的重點。

Shotcrete - rock bolt support and concrete lining are important parts of timbering structures in modern tunnel construction , and there are also essentials for natm . the intensity difference of concrete is big because of the big randomicity at the aspects of material , metage of additive , mix round , ratio of water and lime , spray construct and water maintain 由于噴射混凝土和二次襯砌在拌和料、外加速凝劑的稱量、拌勻以及水灰比的配比、在噴射作業及灑水養護上都存在著很大的隨機性,其強度的差異也較大。

The nine samples of the soil sediments which took in the summer holiday , and we should put the samples that the metage is about 75 grams into the plastic bags , and then make the first samples , and numbered for it from to 在暑假所取得的九個土壤沉積物的樣品中,稱量75克左右的樣品裝入塑料袋中制成初樣,并將初樣進行編號至。