
metabolize vt.,vi.(-lized; -lizing) (使發...


Investigators from the university of l aquila in italy found that after eating only 100 grams or 3 . 5 ounces of dark chocolate every day for 15 days 15 healthy people had lower blood pressures and were more sensitive to insulin an important factor in metabolizing sugar 意大利拉奎拉大學的調查者們發現,在連續15天每日食用100克或3 . 5盎司黑巧克力之后, 15名健康受試者的血壓有所降低,而且對胰島素更為敏感胰島素是促進體內糖分代謝的重要成分。

Gene targeting by homologous recombination can realized targeted integration . at the same time we can knock - out some gene to know its genetic function and create specific mutation to study some kinds of metabolizing mechanism 第一部分:立碗蘚原生質體分離及培養的研究基因打靶技術通過利用同源重組可以在一定程度上實現外源基因的定向整合;同時還可通過對某基因的剔除研究基因的功能或通過創造定點突變來研究某種代謝機理。

Soybean isoflavones distribution was investigated in vegetative growth period ( four stages before seeding ) . the isoflavones in soybean seeds transferred from cotyledon to other organs and isoflavoids metabolized in organs with the growth of soybean plant 大豆營養生長期種子中貯存的異黃酮逐步由種子向子葉,繼而向其它器官(主要是葉片)轉移,不同器官在植株生長發育過程中進行著異黃酮類物質的代謝。

The notion of metabolism was well understood : like people , plants take in nutrients ( sun , water and air ) and then metabolize , or transform , those nutrients into lots of other things ( metabolites ) , from vitamins to defense toxins 現在大家對于植物的代謝已經有清楚的概念:就像人類一樣,植物也需要吸收營養(陽光、空氣、水) ,然后把營養代謝(或轉化)成許多種代謝產物,從維生素到防御性毒素,應有盡有。

Based on the theory that all body cells , especially those that metabolize rapidly , need vitamin b12 , researchers at the mayo clinic in the united states have created a new role for the vitamin , that of detecting cancer cells 由于所有細胞,尤其是新陳代謝非常快之細胞,都需要維他命b12 ,所以美國梅友mayo醫院的研究人員根據此種原理,又發現維他命b12之另一新功能:將維他命b12用來偵測癌細胞。

Certain foods such as offal , shellfish , and alcohol are high in purine which are metabolized to uric acid in the body . over consumption in such foods increases the chance of having gout . can gout be cured 若在日常飲食中,喜好一些含有高成份嘌呤的食物,例如動物內臟、貝殼類海產、酒類等,這些嘌呤在我們體內經過新陳代謝后,就會變成尿酸,再加上暴飲暴食,便很容易誘發這個痛癥。

It helps in the metabolism of proteins , fats , and carbohydrates . this means that the more of these foods you consume , the more vitamin b12 your body will need to metabolize them . among these nutrients , proteins consume the most vitamin b12 一代謝蛋白質脂肪和碳水化合物:亦即你吃進這三種食物越多,身體需要用來代謝這三種食物的維他命b12就越多,其中尤以蛋白質的代謝所耗用的b12最多。

With dialysis to clean out the metabolized waste , the nephritic patients can keep a balance of electrolyte , acid and alkali in body ; with ultrafiltration the patients can clean out resorted molecule in body . these are the basic theories of hemodialysis 腎臟病人通過透析清除代謝廢物,保持體內電解質、酸堿平衡;通過超濾,排除體內滯留的水份,這就是血液透析的基本原理。

In conclusion : hu gang - jun ' s training sticks to the proportion of mixed metabolize load from the beginning to the end , and enlarges mixed metabolize load in order to improve training load strength and raises special scores , enjoys striking character 認為其最鮮明的特在于通過加大混合代謝的負荷來提高訓練的負荷強度,促進專項成績的提高。

This instrument can clean out the metabolized waste of the body and reduce most of poisonous substances in blood ; hemodialysis and ultrafiltration are the usual methods to complete these functions 血液透析儀即人工腎,它的基本功能是代替人體腎臟,清除人體代謝廢物,可以降低血液中大多數毒性物質含量。完成此功能的基本手段是透析和超濾。

This shows , the fat of diabetic be caused by metabolizes character is to bring about blood - vessel of sclerosis of arterial congee appearance , coronary heart disease , head unusually one of main risk elements of disease happening 由此可見,糖尿病所致的脂質代謝異常是導致動脈粥樣硬化、冠心病、腦血管病發生的主要危險因素之一。

Especially when we compare sleeping with weaken , the function of blood circulating system is decreasing apparently , and the basic metabolize becomes slow , the circulating of air in our body is also weakened obviously 尤其睡眠與清醒相對比,血液循環系統的功能明顯下降,基礎代謝趨于緩慢,體內經氣的運行也明顯減弱。

These fats are easily damaged in cooking and processed food . dha and epa are further metabolized in our body to series 3 prostaglandins pge3 , which are extremely active hormone - like substances 既然知道dha與頭腦發達學習能力有著密切關系,因此,應該多攝取dha ,尤其懷孕婦女,更應該補充dha以供給發育中的胎兒。

It can promote the intestinal tract crawling and break up the toxin in body so as to clear the intestinal tracts and strengthen the ability to absorb , break up , digest and metabolize 含有益活菌群、多種復合酵素群、有機礦物質群、維他命群、多種氨基酸及各類均衡營養素和耐高溫、耐強酸的糖化酵母菌。

Dark chocolate - - but not white chocolate - may help reduce blood pressure and boost the body ' s ability to metabolize sugar from food , according to the results of a small study 一項小規模研究的結果表明,黑巧克力可能有助于降低血壓、促進人體對食物中的糖分的代謝能力,而白巧克力則沒有這些功能。

Chunna yu , linya you , su zeng . studies on the recombinant drug metabolizing enzymes . the eighth national conference on drug and xenobiotics metabolism in china , dalian , october 2006 俞春娜,尤琳雅,曾蘇,重組藥物代謝酶的研究與應用,第八次全國藥物與化學異物代謝學術會議,大連, 2006年10月。

Dark chocolate but not white chocolate - may help reduce blood pressure and boost the body s ability to metabolize sugar from food according to the results of a small study 一項小規模研究的結果表明,黑巧克力可能有助于降低血壓促進人體對食物中的糖分的代謝能力,而白巧克力則沒有這些功能。

In one route , l - hydroxy - 2 - naphthoate is further degraded via salicylate , while in the other route , the ring of l - hydroxy - 2 - naphthoate is cleaved and further metabolized via o - phthalate 前人的研究表明,菲在細菌中的代謝有2種不同途徑:一為鄰苯二甲酸途徑,另外一條為水楊酸途徑。

Alcohol also interferes with the liver s ability to metabolize hormones , such as renin and angiotensin , which are important for maintaining blood pressure control 酒精還干擾肝臟代謝激素如腎素和血管緊張素的能力,而這些激素對于保持血壓正常是很重要的。