
metabolic adj.1.變化的,變形的。2.【生物學】新陳代謝的,代...

metabolic nucleus

Dyuamical studies on metabolic chemistry of ligan from seeds of arctium lappa 牛蒡子總木脂素代謝化學及其動態研究

The third section mainly studies the metabolic mechanism of civil servant 第三章是對公務員新陳代謝機制的研究。

The metabolic abnormalities were corrected and renal function remained normal 代謝異常被更正,腎功能保持正常。

Protein fosters growth , repairs cells and fulfils metabolic needs 蛋白質協助生長、修補細胞及滿足新陳代謝需要。

Specific metabolic rate effect the oxygen consumption of fish directly 代謝率的高低則直接對呼吸頻率產生影響。

Investigation and analysis of metabolic syndrome among 1835 retired cadres 1835名離退休干部中代謝綜合征調查分析

Clinical predictors of nafld included features of the metabolic syndrome Nafld的臨床預測因子包括代謝綜合征。

Study of some metabolic factors affected by massive lipectomy in rats 大量脂肪去除術對大鼠若干代謝指標的影響

The metabolic control breeding of polyunsaturated fatty acids fermentation 多不飽和脂肪酸發酵的代謝調控育種

Study on the metabolic health risks of body mass index and waist circumference 腰圍與代謝性健康風險的關系

She will never gain weight , she will become a metabolic underachiever 她永遠不會發胖,只是新陳代謝不足。

Minerals act as co - factors in metabolic body functions 礦物質在人體新陳代謝功能方面扮演輔助因子的角色。

International journal of obesity and related metabolic disorders 細胞與分子免疫學雜志中國應用生理學雜志

Ergonomics of the thermal environment - determination of metabolic rate 熱環境的人類工效學.代謝率的測定

Study on the correlation between metabolic syndrome and coke oven work 焦爐作業與代謝綜合征的相關性研究

Mps stimulates the metabolic activity of human dermal fibrocytes Mps刺激了人類皮膚纖維細胞的代謝活動。

The preventive effect of milk and its products to metabolic syndrome 牛奶及其制品對代謝綜合征的預防作用

Study advance of metabolic mech - anism of aroma composition of oolong tea 烏龍茶香氣成分代謝機制研究進展

Disorder in metabolic rate : too high or too low blood sugar level 新陳代謝平衡失調:血糖過高或過低。