
messy adj.(messier; -iest) 污穢的,骯臟的...


I ' m not messy . i ' m organizationally challenged 我并不是凌亂不堪,我只是在條理方面受到挑戰而已。

They also save on those messy courtroom appearances 而且能說服那些亂七八糟的陪審團和弱智的法官

His desk is so messy i don ' t know how he does any work 他的桌子亂得很,我不知道他怎么能工作。

Mark of a chef : messy apron , clean sleeves 廚師格言:臟裙凈袖。

A - mel was amazed to see the messy maze 阿妹看到凌亂的迷宮很驚訝!

- you think my apartment is messy ? - no , no . merci -你覺得我的房間很亂? -不不不,我是說謝謝

You think my apartment is messy ? - no , no . merci 你覺得我的房間很亂? -不不不,我是說謝謝

- oh , my god ! - you boys have been very messy -噢!我的天哪! -你們這幾個男孩實在是太臟了。

Oh , my god ! - you boys have been very messy 噢!我的天哪! -你們這幾個男孩實在是太臟了。

. . . and a messy split from his wife , sheila . . 又和妻子希拉分居了… …

L hear we got a messy one here . - yeah 我聽說這個案子一團糟啊. -是啊

Ifyour house is as messy as last time , 如果你的房子還像上次一樣雜亂,

With their messy hair and their dirty clothes 他們花錢把頭發弄得亂亂的

It ' s just that this kind of thing can get messy 只是,這樣事情會弄糟的

- l hear we got a messy one here . - yeah -我聽說這個案子一團糟啊. -是啊

I hear we got a messy one here . - yeah -聽說這里出了件棘手的案子. -是的

No , it ' s just this drawer is always messy 不,只是抽屜里老是亂七八糟的

We don ' t want things to get messy , do we 我們不想讓事情變復雜,不是嗎?

None of this messy student teacher involvement 再沒有這些亂七八糟的學生教師密切相交