
messina n.墨西拿。 the Strait of Messina...


Bayern munich need michael ballack and roy makaay to snap out of their slow comeback syndrome in time for tuesday ' s champions league clash with group a leaders juventus . the italian champions have been irresistible this season , winning their opening two champions league fixtures and all seven of their serie a games , including a 1 - 0 victory over messina at the weekend 德國拜仁慕尼黑隊和意大利尤文圖斯隊將在10月18日進行一場歐洲冠軍聯賽小組的“巔峰對決” ,然而拜仁隊因兩大主力球員巴拉克和前鋒馬凱缺陣而在國內聯賽中顯現出的低靡狀態令人擔憂。

One of the most sought after young actresses in the industry , she is set to star in two other romantic comedies : untitled nick cannon lindsay lohan project 2006 opposite nick cannon and fashionistas 2005 based on the novel by lynn messina as well as the high school dramas dramarama 2006 and gossip girl 2005 based on the novel by cecily von ziegesar , and the disney fantasy adventure herbie : fully loaded 2005 a pseudo - sequel to the love bug 1968 一的那些大多數的尋求那些工業,她年輕女演員也開始兩其他浪漫喜劇星:無標題刻痕坎農高速鋼林賽lohan工程2006相反刻痕坎農高速鋼和高級時裝迷2005基于林恩梅西納的小說,以及中學戲劇dramarama 2006和流言蜚語女孩2005基于塞西莉馮ziegesar的小說,以及迪斯尼幻想冒險herbie :完全裝的2005一部愛缺陷, 1968的重新攝制的影片。

Del piero sealed the win over messina with a superb solo run , starting just inside the opposition ' s half and ending with a shot that curled round the keeper . “ it was an extraordinary goal , “ capello said . “ he ' s in great shape , like all our strikers 隨著前鋒德爾皮埃羅的狀態日益回升,卡佩羅很可能會繼續賦予這位小個子前鋒的重任,而傷愈重新歸隊的法國前鋒特雷澤蓋則有望做為替補出場。

The former messina captain only signed for genoa earlier this summer , but their relegation to serie c1 over match - rigging claims has the wing - back desperately searching for an escape route back to the top - flight 這名前梅西納的隊長在這個夏天的早些時候剛剛和熱那亞簽署了合同,在他們因為打假球而被驅逐到丙1聯賽以后,這名邊后衛球員強烈地要求尋找到一條能夠重返頂級聯賽的道路。

Rome reuters - a 10 - year - old italian boy became the youngest person ever to swim across the strait of messina when he made the crossing from sicily to the italian mainland on sunday in 55 minutes and 30 seconds 一名10歲的意大利男孩成為橫渡墨西拿海峽的年紀最小的人。本周日,這名男孩從意大利西西里島橫渡墨西拿海峽游到了意大利大陸,全程用時55分30秒。

Milan may well be out of the title race , but victory is still essential as carlo ancelotti will demand that his side erase memories of last weekend ' s derby defeat with maximum points against messina at the san siro 米蘭可能已經退出了冠軍爭奪,但是同墨西拿的比賽中以最大的比分去贏得勝利對安切洛蒂仍然是很必須的,為了消除上周德比的失敗陰影。

The only concern for juventus coach fabio capello is the fitness of patrick vieira , who suffered a groin injury during france ' s 4 - 0 wednesday win over cyprus and missed the messina game 在尤文圖斯方面,唯一讓主教練卡佩羅擔心的是維埃拉的身體狀況。這位法國球員在上周三世界杯預選賽法國4 : 0大勝塞浦路斯隊的比賽中腹股溝受傷。

The italian champions have been irresistible this season , winning their opening two champions league fixtures and all seven of their serie a games , including a 1 - 0 victory over messina at the weekend 據路透社10月17日報道,意大利尤文圖斯隊本賽季開賽以來勢不可擋,在已經結束的兩場歐洲冠軍聯賽中,他們連勝兩場全取6分。

Giuseppe mangano , who can see the strait from his house in messina , sicily , completed the 3 , 700 metre yards crossing despite poor weather conditions , high waves and being stung by two jellyfish 盡管橫渡海峽的當日天氣惡劣, giuseppe在途中還遭遇了巨大海浪以及被兩只水母纏繞的境況,但他還是游完了全程3700米的距離。

The international also has youth on his side ; turning 23 in december yet counting on good european experience in the italian league first with salernitana and then at messina 這個國際選手有他的優勢,他還年輕;今年十月份他才23歲,并且已經有了在意大利聯賽踢球的經歷,分別效力過球會沙蘭力坦拿和梅西納。

Messina played much of the second half with just 10 men following vincent candela ' s naive red card , but lazio could not take advantage and showed tired legs towards the end 梅西納隊在坎德拉被罰下以后的下半場大部分時間里都是以10人應戰,但是拉齊奧并沒有能夠擴大領先的優勢,并且在比賽臨近結束時略顯疲態

However , every game is a different story , and that against the sicilians definitely showed an unbrilliant milan , unable to react to the lift of a brave and courageus messina 不過,每一場比賽都是一段完全不同的故事,面對西西里球隊我們看到的是一支黯然失色的米蘭,無法在勇敢頑強的梅西納面前扭轉局面。

Victory over torino puts parma one point away from safety , with messina , chievo and fiorentina just outside the relegation zone , and rossi is confident of avoiding the drop 戰勝都靈讓帕爾瑪離安全線還有1分。梅西納、切沃和佛羅倫薩剛剛在降級區以外。羅西很自信能夠避免降級。

Inter milan defender marco materazzi has dedicated his stunning over - head strike against messina on sunday to the two juventus youngsters who lost their lives last week 國米的馬特拉齊將在星期天對梅西納的倒掛金鉤的精彩進球獻給了尤文圖斯兩個在上周失去了生命的青年球員

Messina and ivory coast right - back zoro appears to be coach jesualdo ferreira ' s last choice to bulk up his fc porto squad for the season that kicked off on friday 梅西納科特迪瓦右后衛佐羅似乎是波爾圖教練赫蘇阿爾多?費雷拉為周五開始的賽季,擴充陣容的最后選擇。

“ that was also the case before roma ' s draw with messina , for two different reasons . they already had a seven - point lead and they are a very strong side “在羅馬踢平梅西納前就已經是這種情形,因為兩個不同的原因.他們已經有了7分的領先,而且他們是一支強大的球隊

Inzaghi has failed to nail down a regular start this season under coach delio rossi and both messina and parma are keen to take him on - loan in january 在羅西的執教下,小英扎吉的聯賽開局并不理想,因此梅西納和帕爾馬和羅西都希望可以在一月份租借他。

Milan , in contrast , have only four points and at home have drawn with livorno and been defeated at the hands of messina - both those clubs are newly - promoted 作為比較,僅僅得到4個積分,在主場被利沃諾逼平,被梅西納擊敗,而且兩支球隊都是升班馬。

The hydrofoil and the cargo ship are now docked at messina ' s port and have been seized by judicial authorities investigating the collision 目前,發生相撞事故的兩艘船都已經被意大利司法機關扣押在了墨西拿海峽的港口里接受進一步調查。