
messias n.〔m-〕(人民、國家等所期待的)救星;解放者(= M...


He first findeth his own brother simon , and saith unto him , we have found the messias , which is , being interpreted , the christ 41他先找著自己的哥哥西門,對他說:我們遇見彌賽亞了。 (彌賽亞翻出來就是基督。 )

[ kjv ] the woman saith unto him , i know that messias cometh , which is called christ : when he is come , he will tell us all things 婦人說、我知道彌賽亞、 (就是那稱為基督的)要來他來了、必將一切的事都告訴我們。

The woman saith unto him , i know that messias cometh , which is called christ : when he is come , he will tell us all things 婦人說、我知道彌賽亞、 (就是那稱為基督的)要來他來了、必將一切的事都告訴我們。