
messiah n.1.〔the Messiah〕彌賽亞〔猶太人所期待的...


Justice and messiah 正義與彌賽亞

When the messiah comes , wiii he perform more miracies than this man has 基督來的時候,他所行的神跡,豈能比這人所行的更多嗎?

Belief in a messiah 對彌賽亞的信念

The people were wondering about john ' s identity , “ could he be the messiah 百姓心中燃起了希望,猜想若翰會不會就是默西亞。

There have been many anointed ones but only one messiah who is christ 歷史上曾有許多受膏者,但只有一位彌賽亞,就是基督。

If he is the messiah 如果他是救世主

This will be the messiah 這就是彌賽亞。

Pure language , experience , ideal and messiah time several themes in walter benjamin ' s philosophy 本雅明哲學的幾個主題

Couid he be the messiah 莫非這就是基督嗎?

We have found the messiah 我們遇見彌賽亞了

A voice bloom , are you the messiah ben joseph or ben david 一個聲音布盧姆,你是救世主本約瑟夫還是本大衛311 ?

I know the man whom i bind my soul to is unlikely my messiah 我知道與我的靈魂相縛系的男人并不一定是我的救世主。

I know that the messiah wiii come 我知道彌賽亞要來

He claims that he is the messiah 他也自稱是救世主

I do beiieve that you are the messiah 我信你是基督

Or jesus , called the messiah 還是這個叫救世主的耶穌

Tell us , are you the messiah 告訴我們,你是救世主嗎

The scripture says that the messiah wiii be a descendant of king david . . 經上豈不是說,基督是大衛的后裔

He claims that he is the messiah . . 他也自稱是救世主. .