
messenger n.1.使者,送信人,郵遞員,信差;【軍事】通信兵,傳令...

messenger call

- look , i ' m just the messenger . - how much money -瞧,我只是傳話人-多少錢?

Messenger a bottle of jameson ' s to lana at page six . . 給第六頁的拉娜送一瓶威士忌

96 qym the third eye of the quan yin messenger 96觀音使者見聞錄廬山真面目

Look , i ' m just the messenger . - how much money 瞧,我只是傳話人-多少錢?

And the messengers departed and brought word back to him 使者就去將話回覆便哈達。

First two were minnows - small - time messengers 先是一些小魚小蝦,一些送信人

And no messengers are greater than the one who sent them 差人也不能大于差他的人。

World gallery online is pleased to be your messenger 世界畫廊聯機高興是您的信使。

And the messengers departed , and brought him word again 使者就去回覆便哈達。

Windows messenger update for windows xp also downloaded 的用戶還同時下載了:

I am nothing in all ofthis . i m just the messenger 這完全不是我的事我只是個使者

Yeah , i ' m expecting a messenger to come and pick up - 是啊,我在等有人過取我的設計

Msn messenger 7 . 5 for windows msn messenger 7 . 5 for windows 的用戶還同時下載了:

First two were minnows - smaii - time messengers 先是兩個傳信的微不足道的小雜魚

Most importantly , he is the messenger of the gods 更重要的是,他是眾神的信使。

It was followed by the swift flashes of the rifles, which sent their leaden messenger across the rock in volleys, as though the assailants would pour out their impotent fury on the insensible scene of the fatal contest . 緊接著,火光閃閃,槍彈越過雙方之間的巖石,成排地飛射過來,仿佛他們要把自己無可奈何的憤怒,全都發泄在進行這場殊死搏斗的這片無知無覺的土地上似的。

Pug was still digesting this sickening and surprising order when another dispatch came down, again by messenger . 帕格還在思考這個令人焦慮的奇怪命令時,又發下來另一份急件,它是由傳令兵送來的。

You start messengers around the island to the fishers and farmers everywhere, even to the mountain goat hunters . 你去發動郵差,到島上的各個角落去,通知漁民、農夫,甚至山里的牧羊人。

Some half an hour after dick's departure, a messenger came, in hot haste, from my lord of risingham . 等狄克動身后,大約過了半點鐘,火急萬分地來了個賴辛漢伯爵的使者。