
messeigneurs n.〔法語〕 monseigneur 的復數。


Among these , accordingly , much discoursing with spirits went on - and it did a world of good which never became manifest . but , the comfort was , that all the company at the grand hotel of monseigneur were perfectly dressed 值得安慰的是,大人豪華府第里的人們全都衣冠楚楚,若是末日審判定在盛裝的日子到臨,那兒的每一個人便可以永恒地正確無誤了。

Peasant women kept the unfashionable babies close , and brought them up , and charming grandmammas of sixty dressed and supped as at twenty . the leprosy of unreality disfigured every human creature in attendance upon monseigneur 那些不合時宜的孩子都交由農村的婦女們秘密撫養悄悄帶大,而迷人的花甲老婦卻打扮得像二十歲的姑娘去參加晚宴。

This dialogue had taken place at mr . lorry s usual desk , with monseigneur swarming within a yard or two of it , boastful of what he would do to avenge himself on the rascal - people before long 這一番話是在羅瑞先生平時的辦公桌前說的,那時貴族老爺們就在桌前一兩碼遠處成群結隊地擠來擠去,夸口說不久就要對那些流氓進行懲罰。

So polite and so impressible was monseigneur , that the comedy and the grand opera had far more influence with him in the tiresome articles of state affairs and state secrets , than the needs of all france 大人彬彬有禮,敏感多情,在處理今人生厭的國家大事和國家機密時,喜劇和大歌劇對他的影響要比整個法國的需要大得多。

Happy to say , i never knew him . a craven who abandoned his post , said another - this monseigneur had been got out of paris , legs uppermost and half suffocated , in a load of hay - some years ago “一個放棄了自己崗位的膽小鬼, ”另一個說說活的大人是藏在一車干草里腳朝天離開巴黎的,幾乎給憋死了“是幾年前的事了。 ”

Yet , monseigneur had slowly found that vulgar embarrassments crept into his affairs , both private and public ; and he had , as to both classes of affairs , allied himself perforce with a farmer - general 可是,大人卻慢慢發現庸俗的窘澀已經滲入了他的公私事務,因此他只好在這兩類事務中跟一個賦稅承包商結了盟。

No . the change consisted in the appearance of strange faces of low caste , rather than in the disappearance of the high - caste , chiseled , and otherwise beatified and beatifying features of monseigneur 不,不,村子的變化不在于少了那身分高貴雕像般漂亮受福也賜福的面孔,而在于多了些身分低下的陌生面孔。

As to bowing down in body and spirit , nothing in that way was left for heaven - which may have been one among other reasons why the worshippers of monseigneur never troubled it 那從肉體到精神的-躬到地就是對上蒼也沒有這樣恭順-這也許正是大人的崇拜者們從不去打擾上天的一個原因吧!

They even whisper that because he has slain monseigneur , and because monseigneur was the father of his tenants - serfs - what you will - he will be executed as a parricide 他們甚至悄悄說,因為他殺死了大人,而大人又是佃戶們一可算是農奴吧的父親,因此他要被當作殺父的逆子處死。

He had been some few leagues behind monseigneur , early in the afternoon . he had diminished the distance rapidly , but not so rapidly as to come up with monseigneur on the road 下午他落在侯爵后面幾個里格,卻迅速縮短了距離,但并沒有在路上趕上侯爵,只在驛站聽說在他前面。

Monseigneur having eased his four men of their burdens and taken his chocolate , caused the doors of the holiest of holiests to be thrown open , and issued forth 大人吃下了他的巧克力,解除了四個手下人的負擔,命令最神圣之中最神圣的大門敞開,然后邁步出場。

Madame magloire had once remarked , with a sort of gentle malice : “ monseigneur , you who turn everything to account , have , nevertheless , one useless plot 幾株果樹散布在各處。一次,馬格洛大娘和藹地打趣他說: “您處處都盤算,這兒卻有一塊方地沒有用上。

The text of his order altered from the original by only a pronoun , which is not much ran : the earth and the fulness thereof are mine , saith monseigneur 他的命令的措詞是: “地和其中所充滿的都屬于我,大人說。 ”只給原文換上了一個代詞,小事一樁

Spirits are supposed to haunt the places where their bodies most resorted , and monseigneur without a guinea haunted the spot where his guineas used to be 據說鬼魂喜歡在生前常到的地方出沒,因此沒有了錢的老爺們也常在他們過去存錢的地方出沒。

Not many people had talked with him at the reception ; he had stood in a little space apart , and monseigneur might have been warmer in his manner 在招待會上跟他說訴的人不多,他站在略微離開人群的地方,而大人對他的態度卻不太熱情。

On the opposite side of the court - yard , under a colonnade , was extensive standing for carriages - where , indeed , some carriages of monseigneur yet stood 院落對面的游廊之下有一個寬大的停車場,那位大員的幾部馬車居然還停在那兒。

Of his pleasures , general and particular , monseigneur had the other truly noble idea , that the world was made for them 而對于他的玩樂,無論是一般的或特殊的,大人還有一個地道的高貴想法:上帝創造世界原是為了使他快活的。

The august of the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety - two was come , and monseigneur was by this time scattered far and wide 一千七百九十二年八月到了,老爺們此刻已經風流云散,逃到了天涯海角。

Monseigneur had been out at a little supper last night , where the comedy and the grand opera were charmingly represented 昨天晚上大人在外面吃了一頓便餐,用餐時有迷人的喜劇與大歌舞表演。