
message n.1.通信;口信;問候;祝詞;訊,消息,情報,電報,通...


The president will broadcast his message on all stations tonight . 總統今晚將向全國廣播咨文。

One transmission can send the same message to receivers . 一次傳輸能把同一信息發送給接收機。

Tv cannot easily sustain a long or complicated message . 電視難以播放一則冗長、復雜的廣告。

She looked in the mirror and received time's message . 她照著鏡子,悟出了時光老人的真諦。

An unmistakable message had passed between them . 他們兩人之間交換了一個無可置疑的信息。

Ask sb. to take her a message . 請人帶個話給她。

Whoever sent the message is trying to confuse me . 那個寫信的人不管是誰,反正想迷惑我。

I left a message so as to be sure of contacting her . 我留下了張條子以便與她取得聯系。

There was too much static to hear their message clearly . 干擾太大,聽不清他們的電訊。

He panted out his message . 他氣喘吁吁地講出口信。

The keyboard sends a message to the bank's computer . 鍵盤把信息傳送到銀行的計算機里。

When you go back , would you take a message for me ? 你回去的時候,趁便給我帶個口信。

Posters force the wording of the message to be brief . 廣告牌要求廣告的語言簡明扼要。

He opened the cover in which the message was enclosed . 他把密封那份電報的封套拆開。

The message from nixon steered a neutral course . 尼克松的復信,采取一種中立的方針。

He sent a message of condolence . 他發了一份吊唁電。

The prisoner rapped out a message on the cell wall . 那囚犯敲打囚室的墻來傳達信息。

I'd like to leave a message though . 不過我想留句話。

Impulse acts as a message sent through a neuron . 沖動相當于通過神經元傳送的信息。