
mess n.1.(尤指流體的)食品;(給獵狗等吃的)混合飼料。2...

mess deck

It should have been done properly, not messed up like that . 活兒該干得有條有理,不是這樣亂七八糟的。

The secret faith is that he is making a mess of it . 秘密的信心卻總說,他正在那兒把事情弄得一團糟。

The fates mess around with the people who have the most to lose . 災難總是同窮困潦倒的人形影不離。

What a fearful mess ! 簡直是一塌糊涂!

I was asked to organize the trip , but i messed it up . 大家要我組織這次旅游,可是我把事情搞糟了。

Here is a pretty mess ! 這成個什么樣子!

When he came in and saw the mess he blew his stack . 他一進屋里看見那個混亂情況就大發一頓脾氣。

A pretty mess you have made ! 你弄得真糟!

What a jolly mess i am in ! 這個事情真糟。

Do not mess your hair ! 別把你的頭發弄亂。

At the beginning of liberation , the factory was an awful mess . 解放初,這個工廠是個爛攤子。

Stop messing about , boys ! i 'm trying to do some reading . 孩子們,別瞎鬧,我想看一會兒書。

The room was in a mess . 屋子亂得一塌糊涂。

The last thing on earth i wanted was a mess like this . 我最不希望會出現如此令人不快的事了。

Do not mess the files around , i have just put them in order . 別把檔案弄亂了,我剛整理好。

When he came in and saw the mess , he blew his stack . 當他進來看到一團糟時,氣得大發雷霆。

The living room was a mess . 起居間里一團糟。

The russian aid program, it turned out, was a great mess . 俄國的援助計劃結果搞得一塌糊涂。

Excuse the mess , jone . this room 's very untidy . 請原諒屋子很亂,約翰。這個房間不整齊。