
mesozoic n.,adj.【地質學;地理學】中生代(的),中生代巖石...


When you ' re with a loving person , this is wonderful ; with an hdp , it creates wars straight out of the mesozoic era 當你和一位深情的人在一起,感覺很好;和一位hdp在一起,大腦直接產生中生代的的戰爭。

Abstract : western liaoning district is located in active volcanic zone of mesozoic rea in east china and volcanic rocks is well developed 文摘:遼西地區地處我國東部中生代火山活動帶,火山巖發育。

The past decade has witnessed the discoveries of various important fossils from the mesozoic jehol biota 摘要最近十多年來,我國在熱河生物群各門類生物研究方面取得了一系列重要的發現和成果。

Study of mesozoic palaeotectonic stress field in the volcamic rock area of huzhong , the northern part of dahinganling volcanic zone 青海省阿尼瑪卿帶布青山蛇綠混雜巖的地球化學性質及形成環境

Geochemistry of the mesozoic and cenozoic detrital rocks and its constraints on provenance in the southeast foot of dabie mountains 大別山東南麓中新生代碎屑巖地球化學特征及其對物源的制約

The first non - marine ecostratigraphic research was made in dividing late mesozoic strata of fengning , hebei province 在化石產地的中生代地層劃分中,首次對非海相生態地層學進行了研究。

3 . the mesozoic paleogeography of the north margin of the dabie orogenic belt was established according to the paleocurrent study 通過古水流研究,恢復了大別造山帶北緣中生代的古地理。

This area is one of the most typical areas in the world , with well - developed continental mesozoic sediments 該區中生代陸相地層發育完好,是世界上中生代陸相地層研究的典型地區之一。

The prismatic joint characteristics of the mesozoic rhyolite of the shanmen , siping , jilin province and its origin significance 吉林省四平市山門中生代流紋巖柱狀節理特征及成因意義

The prints are believed to have been made during the cretaceous period of the mesozoic era , kim said in a statement 這些足跡被認為是在中生代白堊紀時期由當時鳥類留下的。

Structural process of buried hill formation and oil and gas accumulation law in pre - mesozoic of jiyang depression , china 濟陽坳陷前中生界潛山形成的構造過程與油氣聚集規律

Distribution characters and exploration potential of mesozoic sea facies sedimentary strata in the south china sea basin 南海盆地中生代海相沉積地層分布特征及勘探潛力分析

The study on elements and model of pool - forming in mesozoic and palaeozoic stratum in tongwang area , donying depression 東營凹陷通王地區中古生界油氣成藏要素及成藏模式研究

Mesozoic - cenozoic continental strike - slip fault system and its roles on uranium mineralization in hunan and guangxi , china 湘桂地區中新生代走滑斷裂系統對鈾成礦的控制作用

Characteristics of rapakivi texture in mesozoic shahewan granite of north qinling mountains and some related problems 北秦嶺中生代沙河灣巖體環斑結構特征及有關問題的討論

Controls of mesozoic and cenozoic tectonic evolution on source rock distribution in east china sea shelf basin 東海陸架盆地中新生代構造演化對烴源巖分布的控制作用

Study of hydrocarbon generation kinetic parameters of mesozoic source rocks in the kuqa depression , tarim basin 塔里木盆地庫車坳陷中生界烴源巖生烴動力學參數研究

Nature of pre - mesozoic tectono - lithostratigraphic units of north - huaiyang belt and implication for tectonic evolution 北淮陽構造帶前中生代地層單元及其相關問題

Petrogenesis of the mesozoic potash rich volcanic rocks in the luzong basin , anhui province : geochemical constraints 安徽廬樅中生代富鉀火山巖成因的地球化學制約