
mesothelioma n.【醫學】間皮瘤。


The results “ offer at least a faint glimmer of hope that the fate of future patients with mesothelioma will be better than that of their predecessors , “ said mark cullen of yale university in a journal editorial . mesothelioma strikes 2 , 500 to 3 , 000 people in the united states each year 美國耶魯大學的馬克卡倫對此表示, “這至少給人們帶來了一些微弱的希望之光,以后那些間皮瘤患者的命運將比現在患者的命運要好一些” 。

The chance of recovery ( prognosis ) depends on the size of the cancer , where the cancer is , how far the cancer has spread , your age , how the cancer cells look under the microscope , how the asbestos cancer or malignant mesothelioma responds to treatment 他們的痊愈機會(預后)取決于大小的癌癥,癌癥是,多遠癌細胞已蔓延,你的年齡,怎麼癌細胞看在顯微鏡下,如何石棉癌或惡性間皮瘤回應的待遇

But the test was unlikely to be available for widespread use until researchers determine if early detection of the tumor , known as pleural mesothelioma , actually leads to improved survival 直到研究人員確定對胸膜間皮瘤的早期發現是否能確實改善患者的幸存率之后,這一方法才可能得到廣泛應用。

The protein may also help doctors gauge which patients are at highest risk for the cancer , so they can be followed closely . mesothelioma attacks the lining of the lungs and the chest cavity 這種蛋白也能幫助醫生測量哪些患者處于癌癥的最高危險之中,由此,醫生們就能密切關注這些患者的病情。

Mesotheliomas have either spindle cells or plump rounded cells forming gland - like configurations , as seen here at high power microscopically . they are very difficult to diagnose cytologically 圖示間皮瘤內既有梭形細胞又有飽滿的圓形細胞,二者形成類似腺體的外形。在細胞學上很難診斷。

Few americans , she says , are aware that the roofs of 35m homes may be insulated with material containing asbestos ( which is linked to a cancer called mesothelioma ) 她認為,一些美國人已經意識到三千五百萬所房屋的地板都采用石棉填充物用以隔熱(石棉與名為間皮瘤的癌癥有直接聯系) 。

Methods : we reviewed 50 consecutive patients undergoing extrapleural pneumonectomy for malignant pleural mesothelioma in our institution between january 1993 and march 2005 方法:我們連續回顧自1993年1月至2005年3月在共50例我科胸膜外全肺切除術的惡性胸膜間皮瘤病人。

Few americans , she says , are aware that the roofs of 35m homes may be insulated with material containing asbestos ( which is linked to a cancer called mesothelioma ) 她說道,一些美國人已經意識到三千五百萬房屋的地板的絕熱材料可能包含石棉,其可以導致名為間皮瘤的癌癥。

Malignant mesothelioma is a disease in which cancer ( malignant ) cells are found in the sac lining the chest ( the pleura ) or abdomen ( the peritoneum ) 惡性間皮瘤是一種疾病,其中癌癥(癌)細胞中發現,在校舍襯砌胸部(胸膜)或腹部(腹膜)

Such tests are planned . currently , only 5 percent of mesotheliomas are spotted early , and even those patients typically die within 34 months 現在,只有大約5的間皮瘤能夠在早期被發現,而這些患者通常也會在34個月的時間內死亡。

Ultrasonographic findings of malignant peritoneal mesothelioma and its diagnostic value 腹膜惡性間皮瘤的超聲表現及其診斷價值

Malignant pleural mesothelioma 惡性胸膜間皮瘤

A case of malignant pleural mesothelioma complicated by asbestosis 布氏桿菌病合并系統性紅斑狼瘡1例分析