
mesosphere n.【氣象學】中圈,中層,散逸層。


According to the stratification principles and present situation in china , this thesis draws the outline of basically structural shape of the students stratification : the isolated edge , the neglected mesosphere , the advantageous in the middle and the privileged layer in core , pay close attention to students stratification of every layer 根據班級學生社會分層的原則方法和我國班級學生社會分層的狀況,勾畫出班級學生層級結構的基本形態:邊緣孤立層、中間忽視層、中心優勢層、核心特權層,關注班級各層級學生的基本境況。

The forming - nucleus drive power could form numerous little crystal nucleus under natural melting temperature . the formation of tic particles in the melt could be divided into two phases which was forming - nucleus and growth . the forming mechanism of tic was : melting ti first surrounded c , then ti melting in the alloy and c formed a complicated reaction mesosphere on the carbon surface 根據熱力學及動力學分析,認為在碳顆粒界面處tic的形核率很高,形核驅動力足以在正常的熔煉溫度下形成眾多的小晶核;熔體中tic顆粒的合成可分為形核與長大兩個階段,其形核機制為:首先活性ti原子包圍c ,溶入合金中的ti與c在碳表面形成一復雜反應中間層,隨著反應進行, ti和c顆粒不斷減少,生成的tic不斷彌散分布于熔體中;其長大過程伴隨著tic顆粒的相互堆砌、聚集和形態規則化。

Instructional technology is not only a technological or educational problem , but also a societal , one instructional technology has deep sociological meaning on macroscopical social change and social control , on mesosphere social stratification and educational equality , on microcosmic social interaction and human socialization 摘要教育技術并非僅僅是“技術”問題、 “教育”問題,也是一個“社會”問題;教育技術在宏觀層面的社會變遷、社會控制,中觀層面的社會分層、教育機會均等,微觀層面的社會互動、人的社會化等問題上,都有深刻的社會學意涵。

A experienced equation which is summarized by many experiments is used to determine the number of mesosphere nerve cell and a sort of new square - sum function of errors is adopted . its characteristic is that weight errors of possible exceptional point is less . accordingly , the effect of errors of possible exceptional point is reduced , which make actual function relation simulation easier 本系統針對bp算法的局限性,給出了一種優化的bp算法,采用經過大量實驗總結出的經驗公式來確定隱層神經元的個數,并選取了一種新的誤差平方和函數,該函數的特點是對一些可能的異常點的誤差權值設計的較小,從而降低了異常值誤差帶來的影響,便于模擬出真實的函數關系。

In section one , by using fice scheme and time - gcm , a model of trace gases and oh airglow affected by gravity wave is set up , then the propagation of nonlinear gravity wave and the effect on trace gases and oh airglow are analyzed . the result shows gravity wave excited by tropospause forcing can propagate stably to the mesosphere through the stratosphere so that energy and momentum can be transferred from one region to another . in this process , gravity wave undergoes growth , overturning , convection and breaking 在第一部分的工作中,利用全隱歐拉格式和全球熱層-電離層-中間層-電動力學環流耦合模式( time - gcm ) ,對重力波的非線性傳播及其在傳播過程中對中高層大氣中氧族和氫族成分和與之密切相關的oh氣輝輻射的影響進行了數值模擬,結果表明,從對流層向上傳播的重力波經歷了產生、發展、飽和、對流產生直至破碎的非線性演化,大氣的非等溫結構加速了重力波在中層頂區的破碎,重力波的非線性傳播是小尺度對流和湍流產生的一個重要的源。

Then this paper designs the client / server / server frame which suit to this system , and uses the oracle8i database as the background database , oracle9i application server as the application server on mesosphere . in addition , this system achieves the connection between database and application server by jdbc , makes java server page as the exploitive tool . in this way , this paper establishes an experimentation e - business system that realizes intercommunion of the produce data in machine enterprise 接著,以client / server / server三層結構應用模式為基礎對企業的應用構架作了設計;以oracle8idatabase作為后臺數據庫; oracle9ias作為中間層的應用服務器;采用java的jdbc技術實現了應用服務器與數據庫服務器的連接;并以jsp作為系統前臺開發工具,建立起了一個面向機械制造企業生產數據交換的企業內部的實驗性質的電子商務平臺。

One of these missions , a satellite called aeronomy of ice in the mesosphere , or aim , was launched in april to study so - called noctilucent clouds ( depicted above ) , the highest layer of clouds in the atmosphere 任務其一,今年4月該局發射了一顆名為“中層大氣高空冰探測” (簡稱aim )的衛星以研究所謂的夜光云(如上圖所示)這是大氣層中最高處的云層。

The results indicate that the samples which is one step pretreated has the best adhesion and the thinnest mesosphere between the coating film and magnesium substrate 結果表明,采用一步法前處理工藝的試樣,鍍層與基體之間具有良好的結合力,金相顯微觀察發現鍍層與基體之間具有最薄的中間過渡層。

The first stage fell off after its fuel burnt out . the rocket had passed the stratosphere and mesosphere and was leaving the atmosphere 此時,火箭已經飛過了平流層和中間層,正在接近大氣層邊緣。

The rocket had passed the stratosphere and mesosphere and was leaving the atmosphere 此時,火箭已經飛過了平流層和中間層,正在接近大氣層邊緣。

Ozone is formed in the stratosphere and mesosphere by photochemical processes . 由于光化過程,在平流層與中層內產生了臭氧。