
mesopotamia n.美索不達米亞〔小亞細亞 Tigris 和 Euphr...


Therefore the anger of the lord was hot against israel , and he sold them into the hand of chushanrishathaim king of mesopotamia : and the children of israel served chushanrishathaim eight years 因此,耶和華的怒氣向以色列人發作,把他們完全交在兩河之間的亞蘭王古珊利薩田的手中;以色列人服事了古珊利薩田八年。

Because they met you not with bread and with water in the way , when ye came forth out of egypt ; and because they hired against thee balaam the son of beor of pethor of mesopotamia , to curse thee 因為你們出埃及的時候,他們沒有拿食物和水在路上迎接你們,又因他們雇了米所波大米的毗奪人比珥的兒子巴蘭來咒詛你們。

And the spirit of the lord came on him and he became judge of israel , and went out to war , and the lord gave up cushan - rishathaim , king of mesopotamia , into his hands and he overcame him 耶和華的靈降在他身上、他就作了以色列的士師、出去爭戰耶和華將米所波大米王古珊利薩田交在他手中、他便勝了古珊利薩田。

We know very little about the early semitic religions , but the semites that invaded mesopotamia seem to have completely abandoned their religion in favor of sumerian religion 我們現在對早期的蘇美爾人的宗教的了解甚少,但是,那些在美索不達米亞的閃族旁支似乎完全的坡起了他們的宗教而繼承了蘇美爾人的宗教。

Then the anger of the lord was kindled against israel , so that he sold them into the hands of cushan - rishathaim king of mesopotamia ; and the sons of israel served cushan - rishathaim eight years 士3 : 8所以耶和華的怒氣向以色列人發作、就把他們交在米所波大米王古珊利薩田的手中以色列人服事古珊利薩田八年。

Therefore the anger of jehovah burned against israel , and he sold them into the hand of cushan - rishathaim the king of mesopotamia . and the children of israel served cushan - rishathaim eight years 8所以耶和華的怒氣向以色列人發作,就把他們交付在米所波大米王古珊利薩田手中。以色列人服事古珊利薩田八年。

Bell wrote that report 85 years ago , as what was then mesopotamia was struggling to rebuild after world war i and create an independent state that the british would call iraq 貝爾85年前就寫下了這份報告。報告內容是美索不達米亞地區歷經戰后重建的痛苦后建立了一個獨立的政權,即這個英國人口中的伊拉克。

Whereas in ancient egypt and mesopotamia military conquest achieved the integration of distinct regions into single states , this pattern has not been seen in early indus settlements 在古埃及和美索不達米亞,人類透過武力征服,將不同的地區統合為單一國家,但是在印度河的早期聚落,卻沒有見到這種模式。

So the wrath of the lord was burning against israel , and he gave them up into the hands of cushan - rishathaim , king of mesopotamia ; and the children of israel were his servants for eight years 所以耶和華的怒氣向以色列人發作、就把他們交在米所波大米王古珊利薩田的手中以色列人服事古珊利薩田八年。

The world was like a plate ; paradise was up a mountain , across a sea , perhaps guarded by angels , maybe in china , or armenia , or abyssinia , or mesopotamia 世俗世界像是一個盤子,跨過群山,穿過海洋,或許在中國,或許在亞美尼亞,或許在埃塞俄比亞,或許在美索布達米亞,就是被天使所守衛的天堂。

And the servant took ten camels of the camels of his master , and departed ; for all the goods of his master were in his hand : and he arose , and went to mesopotamia , unto the city of nahor 10那仆人從他主人的駱駝里取了十匹駱駝,并帶些他主人各樣的財物,起身往美索不達米亞去,到了拿鶴的城。

Exhibition about some of the great ancient civilizations : mesopotamia , india , egypt , greece , rome and maya . the italian contribution will be the curation of the sections about 偉大的世界文明藝術展,是中國第一個以世界文明為主題的大型綜合展覽,也是中華世紀壇世界藝術館的長期基本陳列展覽。

These were the sumerians , and around 3000 bc they began to form large city - states in southern mesopotamia that controlled areas of several hundred square miles 這些人就是蘇美爾人/閃族,大約在公元前3000年,他們開始在美索不達米亞地區形成他們大型的城邦并控制了周圍數百平方英里的土地。

It is the arabian sea that has opened the doors for journey beyond to the arabian world through the persian gulf and red sea right into the ancient civilization of mesopotamia and egypt 這是對阿拉伯世界打開了門為旅途以遠通過海灣和紅海入mesopotamia和埃及的古老文明的阿拉伯海。

The oldest known map in the accepted sense of the word was drawn about 3 , 800 bc , and represents the river euphrates flowing through northern mesopotamia , iraq 現在已知的被公認為世上最古老的地圖繪制于公元前3800年,這幅地圖描繪的是流經伊拉克北部的美索不達米亞平原的幼發拉底河。

Mesopotamia and asia minor or the people of these countries got it from indians migrants even before the prosperous settlements of the indus valley came into being 美索不達米亞和小亞細亞或這些國家的人民從印第安人遷移者甚至以前的印度西北部的河流山谷形成的繁榮的殖民地得到它。

000 seven functional settlements in southern mesopotamia include a spaceport ( sippar ) , mission control center ( nippur ) , a metallurgical center ( shuruppak ) 000年前,在美索不達米亞南部建立了七個帶有功能的殖民地,包括一個太空船發射降落場,任務控制中心,一個治金學中心。

These were the priests - initiates - whose time lines moved from egypt and the ancient mystery school teachings , to mesopotamia , to persia and zarathustra / zoroaster 這些是祭司? ?傳授? ?時間線從埃及和古代神秘學校的教導轉移到美索不達米亞,直到波斯和瑣羅亞斯德教。

This paper discusses the four river - valley civilizations of india , china , egypt , and mesopotamia , which were among the earliest civilizations in history 即,這篇論文討論了四大河流谷地文明,印度,中國,埃及和美索不達米亞,他是是歷史上最早的文明。