
mesophyll n.【植物;植物學】葉肉,含綠組織,中形葉。


2 leaflets from plants grown in the increasing salt concentrations ( up to 200mm ) became smaller and thicker , leading to the smaller ratio between superficial area and mesophyll tissue volume . in the same process , the cuticle became thickness significantly increased while stomata became less in number and smaller in area ( 2 )隨鹽濃度增加,葉片整體逐漸變得小而厚,葉表面積與體積的比值小,從而減少蒸騰面積,同時角質層變厚,單位面積上的氣孔數目減少,氣孔器面積減小,都可以使植物盡量降低蒸騰速率,減少體內水分散失。

The anatomical and ultrastructural research in the cotyledon of antirrhinum majus indicated : cutin membrane and sparse epidermal trichome occurred on the surface of cotyledon . stomata protruded appreciably over the epidermis , the ratio of palisade mesophyll and spongy mesophyll was low , the previous evidence showed structural charecater of shade leaf 通過對金魚草子葉的組織學和細胞學研究,發現其表皮角質膜薄,具稀疏表皮毛,氣孔略突出于表皮,柵欄組織與海綿組織比例小,故具有陰性葉的結構特征。

In higher salinity ( 200 , 400mm ) the lamellae expanded remarkably , the membrane of the chloroplast was broken , some crystallinity was found in some chloroplast . there is also some compound vesicular structure in the mesophyll cells under salt stress . the results were discussed with regard to the mechanism by which the vesicular structure was produced 200mm有些葉綠體中被膜破碎,基粒、基質片層界限非常混亂,類囊體結構扭曲,排列雜亂,淀粉粒輪廓模糊,有些葉綠體被膜向外突出,形成管泡狀結構。

When inadequate n was added , the chloroplast structure in mesophyll cell was damaged in ear leaf , the amount of carbohydrate decreased in mestome sheath , and excessive n - redistribution and n - transportation to grain from vegetative mass appeared , which resulted in earlier leaf senescence . excessive n application led to too high activity of nitrate reductase , excessive vigorous nitrogen metabolism and too much exhaustion of carbohydrate in ear leaf , which resulted in the lack of enough carbohydrate in the lower leaf , meanwhile , the expansive chloroplast grana lamellae in leaf mesophyll cell and starch grain without nuclear in mestome sheath cell was observed , which led to the decrease of chlorophyll content and photosythetic capacity in maize leaf , then the early senescence occured 氮肥用量不足導致穗葉葉肉細胞葉綠體結構性差,維管束鞘細胞碳水化合物累積減少,營養體氮素再分配率大而引起葉片早衰;而過量供氮則導致生長后期硝酸還原酶活性過高,氮素代謝過旺,消耗了大量碳水化合物,以致下位葉不能得到充足的碳水化合物供應而提早脫落,同時葉肉細胞葉綠體片層結構膨脹,呈“肉汁化”特征,維管束鞘細胞淀粉粒大量消耗,無核淀粉粒出現,從而葉片葉綠素含量下降,光合能力降低而出現早衰。

14 species are edible plants , 37 species are medicinal plants , 11 species are ornamental plants and31 species are feeding plants , the major types of halophytic vegetation in hebei province include ptenothalophyta such as tamarix chinensis brush and siberian brush , and littoral halophytic vegetation such as succulent vegetation , poion , chomophyte and etc . epidermal cell exosporium of tamarix chinensis blade is papillous and capillaceous ; stoma and salt - secreting gland are under the epidermis ; differentiation level of mesophyll tissue is rather high ; porder camber is obvious ; and mechanical tissue is developed 河北省鹽生植物的經濟價值較高,其中可食用的鹽生植物共計14種,可藥用的鹽生植物37種,可飼用的鹽生植物31種,具有觀賞價值的鹽生植物11種,可以作為纖維植物計約9種。河北省主要鹽生植被類型有檉柳灌叢、西伯利亞白刺灌叢等落葉灌叢和肉質型、禾草型、雜類草型鹽塵植被等濱海鹽生植被。

In this paper , wheat cultivars lovrin 10 ( resistant ) and 5389 ( susceptible ) were selected as materials in this system . the mesophyll protoplasts of wheats ( mpw ) were isolated using cellulase and pectolase digestion . by the indirect immune fluorescent labeling , microtubules ( mts ) pattern in mpw were showed clearly under the confocal laser scanning microscope ( clsm ) 本試驗以抗(洛夫林10 ) 、感( 5389 )不同的兩小麥( triticumaestivuml . )品種為材料,采用酶解法制備小麥葉肉原生質體,利用間接免疫熒光方法結合激光共聚焦掃描顯微技術對小麥葉肉細胞原生質體的微管骨架進行了清晰的標記,并探索了微管骨架標記的影響因素。

Iron deficiency causes interveinal chlorosis , mesophyll yellowing or paling and leaf size reduction and , if severe enough , retards the growth of the plants and may even cause their death , thus resulting in great losses to agricultural production 植物缺鐵,葉片脈間失綠,葉肉發黃甚至變白,葉片縮小,如果缺鐵癥狀嚴重,會引起生長停滯甚至死亡,給農業生產造成嚴重損失。

Palisade parenchyma takes a larger proportion than spongy tissue in mesophyll . different from other dicotyls , the cortex in c album l . is composed of mechanical tissue and assimilating tissue , which are alternately arranged with each other 藜與其它雙子葉植物不同,其莖的皮層呈明顯的機械組織和同化組織相間排列,其中同化組織形態類似海綿組織細胞;機械組織突起成棱。

There exist a lot of mucus cells in palisade parenchyma and vein - parallel mesophyll cells . the cells of cortex are loosely arranged , just like aerenchyma . there are many protein - bearing cells in pith 角蒿葉為等面葉,角質層薄,柵欄組織及平脈葉肉細胞中有大量粘液細胞;莖中皮層排列疏松,形成通氣組織,髓中有大量的蛋白細胞,環髓帶明顯。

The results demonstrated that the expression of high - temperature resistance resulted in the marked changes both in ultrastructures of fungus and that of host mesophyll cells , forming infection - induced defense structure and materials 結果表明,高溫抗銹性的表達使病菌和寄主葉肉細胞超微結構都發生明顯的變化,形成了侵染誘導的防衛結構和物質。

Examples include male and female plants in dioecious species , aerial and submerged leaves , alternation of gametophyte and sporophyte stages of a life cycle , and mesophyll and bundle - sheath chloroplasts 例如在雌雄異株物種中的雌性植物和雄性植物,氣生的和被水浸沒的葉片,生活史中的配子體與孢子體的交替,葉肉和維管束鞘葉綠體等。

One hypothesis advanced to explain the first type of sensing mechanis involves differential carbon assimilation patterns of mesophyll cells on either side of major veins due to microtopographical shading effects 由于主脈兩側葉肉細胞的蔭影效應,導致了碳同化的差異,這個假設可以解釋前面的第一種類型的感受機制。

Membranes of host mesophyll cells had marked pathological changes , organelles disintegrated , cytoplasm condensed , plasmalemma invaginated , and eventually the whole cell disintegrated and necrotized 寄主葉肉細胞的膜系統明顯病變,細胞器解體,細胞質凝聚,質膜內陷,最終整個細胞壞死解體。

Chlorenchyma a from of parenchyma in which the cells contain many chloroplasts and relatively large intercellular spaces , as in the mesophyll of the leaf 綠色組織:薄壁組織的一種,在這種組織中細胞包含許多葉綠體和相對較大的細胞間隙,比如葉片中的葉肉。

The gus activity after 8 hours “ treatment was 179 folds compared with that of those without treatment and no great changes were observed in roots , stems or mesophyll 而根、莖和葉肉組織在干旱誘導后gus活性雖然有所提高,但變化不大。

Bifacial leaf and mesophyll tissue contain crystals , phloem is rich in saliferous vacuoles , and the mechanical tissue is developed 異面葉,葉肉組織中含有晶體,韌皮部內富含含鹽液泡泡,機械組織發達。

Study of the relationship between cell size , chlorophyll content of aegiceras corniculatum mesophyll and seawater salinity by fcm 用流式細胞儀探討桐花樹葉肉細胞大小和葉綠素含量與海水鹽度的關系

Peroxidation of membrane lipid and calcium distribution in grape mesophyll cells during cross adaptation to temperature stresses 溫度逆境交叉適應對葡萄葉片膜脂過氧化和細胞鈣分布的影響

The chloroplasts of the mesophyll , by contrast , appear normal and contain grana , but do not form starch grains 相比較而言,葉肉細胞內的葉綠體數目少、含基粒,但不形成淀粉粒。