
mesolithic adj.中石器時代的。


In the misty , hazy past , as the mesolithic age gave way to the neolithic , there suddenly appeared in widely separated geographic areas the most highly successful group of inventors and revolutionaries that the world has ever known 在迷蒙的過去,當中石器時代讓位于新石器時代時,有一些在地理上相隔遙遠的地區,突然出現了人類迄今所了解的最為成功的發明群體和革命者。

Most archeologists dispute this view , arguing that the old and dry river died out during the mesolithic age at the latest , and was reduced to a seasonal stream long before the vedic period 大多數考古學家都爭論這種觀點,爭論說陳舊和干涸的河流最遲在中石器時代在逐漸消失,在吠陀時期之前很久就已經縮減成一條季節性的河流。

Within massive sandstone outcrops , above comparatively dense forest , are five clusters of natural rock shelters , displaying paintings that appear to date from the mesolithic period right through to the historical period 在密林中大量沙石巖中,有五組天然石窟,里面巖畫的歷史從中石器時代一直延續到文明歷史時代。

Mesolithic era is marked by the transition from roaming and hunting to an agricultural society and begins around 11 , 000 years ago Mesolithic時代由轉折標記從漫游和尋找與一個農業社會和開始大約11 , 000年前。

The first settlers , mostly hunters from britain , brought with them a mesolithic culture 第一批定居者主要是來自英國的獵人,他們帶來了中石器時代的文化。