
mesne adj.【法律】中間的。 the mesne proce...

mesne lord

With the development of photography technology , the data of photography will increase , we have adopted segmentation of the data model to the display of the photography picture . we adopt technology of segmentation of mesne data , have solved the problem of carrying on the picture with slower processing speed , and make the performance of the 3d virtual simulation system promoted 隨著航拍技術的不斷發展,航拍圖像的數據量將不斷快速增加,針對航拍遙感圖像的顯示,采用了數據模型的分塊。通過采用中間數據分塊技術,很好地解決了海量航拍圖像在進行處理操作中速度較慢的關鍵性問題,使三維虛擬系統的性能得到提升。

Based on the mesne layer theory , the centralized stress cantilever was designed , and the infection factors was analysed in detail . in the designing of controditional circuits , comparing with several troditional methods and the merits was integrated , a novel circuits with fewer components and higher performance was designed , and by using the micro assembly techniques , the circuits was minisized 文中以材料力學的中性層理論為理論依據,設計了結構獨特的應力集中結構懸臂梁,并對各影響因素進行了詳細分析。在調理電路的設計中,通過對幾種傳統方案的比較,綜合了它們的優點,設計了一種元件少、性能佳的新型電路,并采用微組裝技術,實現調理電路微型化。

Provided that the acceptance of rent or mesne profits by the landlord after the expiration of the term of the tenancy hereby created shall not be deemed to operate as a waiver or breach of any of the terms hereof nor as a new periodic tenancy by way of holding over or otherwise 倘若在本合約規定的租期屆滿后業主接受租金或中間收益?不應被認為是起了放棄或違背本合約的任何條件的作用?也不應認為是起了作為繼續租用或其它的新租期的作用。