
mesmerize vt.給…施行催眠術;迷惑;感化。n.-r 催眠者。


Crystal has been held in high esteem for centuries because of its mesmerizing transparency as when gazing into a crystal ball . it is the most common mineral in the world with rock crystal being the clearest form 本款白水晶手環以24顆直徑為7mm的aa級64面白水晶串成,晶瑩剔透,幾無冰裂與云霧,每一面都折射出美麗的光澤。

Riding on master s love power and in the flying carriage , i was mesmerized by the unique beauty of the milky way . at one point , a brilliant spot appeared in front , radiant with beautiful colors 隨著師父的力量飛翔的馬車,我感受著銀河之美,真的好美,就這樣來到了極光處,前方有著極光,七彩繽紛好光亮好美。

His films are entertaining and mesmerizing . they bring back the magic of fables , the handsome prince and the lonely queen in the castle , the unknown between life and death and the love of the sublime 他的電影不單帶回童話中的魔法,再現俊美王子與孤獨皇后的故事,還附上很多愛便不得不死的吊詭議題。

Crystal has been held in high esteem for centuries because of its mesmerizing transparency as when gazing into a crystal ball . it is the most common mineral in the world with rock crystal being the clearest form 透明純凈的白水晶是大地神氣的贈禮之一,白水晶在整個水晶的群族來說,分布最廣,數量最多。

By gathering a great 3 generation of actors , the story talks very much about the connection among human beings , such as family , friendship , love etc , which are deeply touching and mesmerizing 為了讓世間路走向現代化,制作單位花了不少心思,除了添購價值二百多萬的燈光外,更加強飆車、高空彈跳等戲碼。

But it looked so real that i was mesmerized with the beauty of the sea through the windows and i forgot about the mirror . really , i did ! but it hit me like that : “ my god 海洋在墻里,不過看起來好真實,我被窗外美麗的海景迷住了,忘了是鏡子的緣故,我確實是這樣,自己也嚇了一跳:我的天啊!

On the third evening , master told us stories about her time in the himalayas . they were as dramatic and sensational as a novel . everyone sat around her mesmerized by her narration 第三天晚上,師父講她以前在喜馬拉雅山的故事,故事劇情如小說般的曲折,大家圍坐在她身旁聽得津津有味且入迷。

[ color = # 000000 ] [ b ] 18 ) watching mesmerized the divine swan defy the laws of gravity of newton in madrid and score a diving header from the ground . breathe - taking stuff 巴斯滕在馬德里出神入化的表演傾倒眾生,他不可思議地沖破牛頓定律,魚躍沖頂打進一球。至今令人為之神奪。

This fact was even more sinking into me year after year of mesmerizing the time spent in yao hua and the learning process implemented by the teachers then 年復一年,每當憶及在耀華度過的時光,以及在老師們的指導下進行的學習生活,我就更加堅信這個事實。

Watching mesmerized the divine swan defy the laws of gravity of newton in madrid and score a diving header from the ground . breathe - taking stuff 巴斯滕在馬德里出神入化的表演傾倒眾生,他不可思議地沖破牛頓定律,魚躍沖頂打進一球。至今令人為之神奪。

Watching mesmerized the diine swan defy the laws of graity of newton in madrid and score a diing header from the ground . breathe - taking stuff 巴斯滕在馬德里出神入化的表演傾倒眾生,他不可思議地沖破牛頓定律,魚躍沖頂打進一球。至今令人為之神奪。

However underhand she does everything , she mesmerizes people around her and every day thousands of guys are flocking to the restaurant just to meet her 但事情并沒有貴順想像的那么簡單,她的美色吸引數以百計男士每天守候快餐店外,只求跟她見。

But the monarchy remains rich with symbolism and ritual and the birth of a possible imperial heir had mesmerized the media 但是天皇作為一種信仰的象征,仍然享有很高的地位。所以,一個有望成為王位繼承人的男嬰的出生還是受到了媒體的極大關注。

A subway rat who is led by the mesmerizing ballet of a discarded food wrapper , into a adventure of love and loss on a dark manhattan night 小老鼠追著起士條誤闖實驗室,歷經愛與失去的旅程。栩栩如生的線條和動態,呈現出動物獨特而微妙的情感。

In stifling edwardian london , wendy darling mesmerizes her brothers every night with bedtime tales of swordplay , swashbuckling and the fearsome captai . . 仙子巧遇三位小朋友,溫蒂約翰及米高,并賦予他們飛天的能力,他們本來可以在夢幻島開. .

When adam and eve fell to earth , they were captivated by worldly pleasures and virtually forgot about repentance . since then , they have been mesmerized 亞當和傻瓜下去了以后,看到世界好玩,根本不知道懺悔心是什么,然后迷到現在。

His third run was mesmerizing to watch , having the elegance of a ballroom quickstep , each precise movement flowing into the next 他做第三次圈速時似乎對計時器施了催眠術,有著像跳快步舞一樣的高雅,每一個精準的動作都帶向下一步。

The stone : crystal has been held in high esteem for centuries because of its mesmerizing transparency as when gazing into a crystal ball 透明純凈的白水晶是大地神氣的贈禮之一,白水晶在整個水晶的群族來說,分布最廣,數量最多。

The show was a truly breathtaking experience , as we were mesmerized while witnessing the beauty of each piece . master s love and blessing were immeasurable 在師父無量無邊的圣愛加持下,每位同修都陶醉在這些美不勝收的作品中。