
mesmerism n.催眠術;催眠狀態;催眠力;難以抗拒的魅力。n.-me...


“ jour printer by trade ; do a little in patent medicines ; theater - actor - tragedy , you know ; take a turn to mesmerism and phrenology when there s a chance ; teach singing - geography school for a change ; sling a lecture sometimes - oh , i do lots of things - most anything that comes handy , so it ain t work 還干點兒醫藥演員你知道吧,演悲劇。有機會時,搞點兒催眠和摸頭顱算算命。為了換換口味,也曾在歌唱地理學校教過書,偶爾來次演講,哦,我能干不少行當哩多半是什么方便就干什么,所以也算不上什么職業。

Mesmerism : the character uses his own disquieting aura to affect the minds of others , from entrancing them like a cobra to creating a false identity in someone 迷術:運用自身躁動靈氣來影響他人心靈之法,如催眠和誤導他人等。

It was known as mesmerism 它以梅思梅瑞克著名。

Mesmerism : a class of transmutations 迷術:嬗變術的一類。