
mesial adj.中央的,中間的,中部的 (opp. latera...


Methods : this experiment used finite element analysis ( fen ) in the design of mesial and distal occlusal rest of distal - extension partial removable denture and to test the magnitude of stress and displacement of abutment teeth and soft tissue under the base when under the vertical force of two conditions 方法:采用有限元法在末端游離缺損義齒的有限元模型上作遠中、近中(牙合)支托設計,分別在人工牙及修復后的牙列(包括義齒及基牙)上作垂直向加載,測試基牙及基托下軟組織的位移及應力值,通過測試結果作對比分析。

Results : 1 ) under the same condition of loading , the stress and displacement of mesial occlusal rest design was smaller than that of distal occlusal rest design in abutment teeth and soft tissue under the base , however , the magnitude in the soft tissue under base was bigger . 2 ) when a distributed vertical load was applied to the artificial tooth abutment teeth regions , the stress distribution was similar to that of concentrated load in the artifitial tooth , and stress magnitudes were higher . 3 ) under the condition tested , the mesial occlusal rest design caused the stresses that were more in line with the long axes of the abutment teeth than did the distal occlusal rest design 結果: 1 )在同一加載條件下,近中(牙合)支托設計與遠中(牙合)支托設計相比,基牙及基托下軟組織的應力和位移值減小;基托下軟組織的應力和位移值大于基牙; 2 )基牙及義齒整體加載時,各基牙應力分布規律與人工牙加載相同,但應力值增大; 3 )近中(牙合)支托設計使基牙受力更趨于軸向。

Results the palatal implant connecting with the first permanent molar significantly reduced mesial movement and protrusive displacements of anchor teeth while the implant connecting with the maxillary second bicuspid was in favor of the control on the movement of the first permanent molar towards the medium of the palate 結果種植體連接在第一恒磨牙上更有利于控制支抗牙近中移動和垂直仲長;連接在第二雙尖牙上對第一恒磨牙的居向移動控制更好。

Ru1ls : the root surface with high root caries prevalence rate are labial surfaces of incisor and canine , mandibular premolar and molar , lingual surfaces of mandibular incisor and canine and maxillary molar , distal surface of premolar and mesial surface of molar 結果:根面齲易感性高的根面為前牙、下領前磨牙、磨牙的唇(頰)面、下前牙與上領磨牙的舌面、前磨牙的遠中面、磨牙的近中面。

Conclusion : the experiment , from the point of biomechanics , provides the theoretical basis for the stress distribution of occlusal rest design and further proves the advantages of mesial occlusal rest 結論:從生物力學角度為(牙合)力分配和(牙合)支托設計等提供了理論依據,進一步論證了近中(牙合)支托的優越性。

Excessive mesial - axial inclination of the mandibular second molar or inadequate posterior arch length cause the mandibular second molar to become impacted against the distal contour of the first permanent molar 摘要下顎牙弓空間不足或第二大臼齒本身過度的近心軸向傾斜,常造成第二大臼齒前傾和阻生。

The technique is a simple , easy , and effective treatment for both unilateral and bilateral cases , and can be applied to correct the mesial impaction of other molars 本系列報告第一部份,探討近心阻生下顎第二大臼齒之成因與扶正方法,并擇其中5例簡要報告。

A18 year old male patient , mesial lesion in relation to 26 . mesial and distal amalgam restorations with marginal deterioration . discoloured palatal groove 18歲男性患者, 26號牙齒的牙冠中面出現缺損,中面及遠中面的汞合金修復出現邊緣惡化現象。上顎溝變色。

Stereotactic guided selective hippocampus resection to treatment mesial temporal epilepsy 立體定向引導選擇性海馬切除治療顳葉內側癲癇附11例臨床報道

The mesial is the surfaces of the tooth that faces toward the front or midline of the mouth 近中面是一個牙齒面向口腔的前方或中線的面