
meshwork 網狀物,網。


At last , this paper details the wireless sensor network experiment system construction and software scheme . through experiment the wireless sensor network experiment system shows high quantity in meshwork link and data collection . the research of this paper accumulates much experience for next work 本課題的研究是對當前自組織無線傳感器網技術發展的探索性嘗試,通過實驗測試表明傳感器網絡實驗系統能夠達到預期效果,為進一步開展傳感器網絡技術研究積累了大量的實踐經驗。

Internet has become an integrated media meshwork . under this situation , how to develop the consultation service in library is a vital study item of the library researchers . the article emphasizes on the expert consultation and expands the meaning of the original expert consultation based on the socialization of consultation members 文章以網上專家咨詢為主體,從咨詢人員社會化的角度對國內現有的網上專家咨詢的內涵進行了擴展,使專家咨詢的概念由原來的圖書館內咨詢人員服務于用戶的服務方式,擴展為圖書館內咨詢人員與社會人員共同服務于社會用戶的服務方式。

The results show that : the glomerulus of the mouse consists of a lobular arteriole within the glomerulus , capillary meshwork lobules and communication branches between the lobules and the efferent arteriolar roots ; there are some sublobular microcirulatary units in lobules ; the glomerulus of chrysolophus pictus is only a tortuous vascular ball ; there are no branches anastomosed between the vascular ; the afferent arteriole is a branch , efferent arteriole is one either , but some efferent arteriole has branches 結果表明:小白鼠腎小球由小球內小葉微動脈、毛細血管網小葉及小葉間交通支和小葉輸出血管構成,小葉可分出亞單位;紅腹錦雞腎小球為一簇迂回盤曲的血管團,血管間未見有復雜的分支和吻合;小白鼠和紅腹錦雞入球小動脈和出球小動脈均為一支,但有的出球小動脈有分支。

The author also conceived the potential problems of the meshwork structure of discipline , gave some countermeasures . research group is the basic cell of this matrix structure of discipline , it “ s form and scale can be big or small , can develop into a department or school lengthways , or a institute , research center athwartships , finally maybe expand to whole university ; academe is the service of the structure , it “ s task is to manage , harmonize , serve the matrix structure 矩陣式大學學科組織結構的基本單元為課題組,課題組的形式及規模可大可小,縱向可以發展為學系、學院,橫向可以發展為研究所、研究中心等,并將最終擴展到整個學校;大學研究院作為矩陣式學科組織結構的管理服務組織,對其進行管理、協調與服務。

The challenges lie in three aspects : the capability and competition for woman to command and utilize science and technology , the differentiation between the two genders and the colnoy of women , the meshwork information and woman web - site , which make up of a paradox of both exalting and restricting women ' s subjectivity 其挑戰主要體現在女性的科技掌握、利用及競爭能力,男女兩性之間和女性群體內部的分化,作為新興媒體的網絡對信息的傳播和女性網站等幾個方面,共同構成了網絡對女性主體性既提升又制約的“兩悖”狀況。

Due to aging and utilizing condition changing , rc structures are often needed to be strengthened . rc structures wrapped with steel wire meshwork and reinforced by high strength mortar spray is proved to be a new effective reinforced method not only by the similarity of material behavior to objects strengthened , but also its endurance and easy installing 實際工程中的結構物由于使用壽命或使用條件變化等原因,往往需對其進行加固,加固方法是多種多樣的,其中鋼絲網外噴高強砂漿加固混凝土結構不論從所使用材料性能與原結構的相似性,還是從加固的耐久性和方法的方便性等方面來講,均是一種有效的新型加固方法。

As well , because of the development of national electric power industry , electric power supply is very enough , the popularize use of electrothermal boilers become possible the actual state of our country ' s electric power development makes the inactive standby capability of dynamos increased , ratio of electric power charge decreased , the difference of power transmission meshwork peak value and valley value become large 同時由于我國電力工業的迅速發展,電力供應十分充足,為電熱鍋爐的推廣使用創造了有利條件。國內電力發展的現狀造成了機組停機備用容量明顯增加、負荷率下降、峰谷差拉大,給電網的調峰帶來了一定的難度。

There are a number of observations that can be simplified into three broad categories : corticosteroids can induce physical and mechanical changes in the microstructure of the trabecular meshwork ; cause an increase in the deposition of substances in the trabecular meshwork , thereby causing decreased outflow facility ; and inhibit proteases and trabecular meshwork endothelial cell phagocytosis causing a decrease in the breakdown of substances in the trabecular meshwork 這方面的研究很多,研究結果大致可以分為幾類:類固醇能夠改變小梁網顯微結構的生理和機械性改變;能夠增加小梁網細胞外基質的沉積,從而降低房水流暢系數;能夠抑制蛋白酶和小梁網內皮細胞吞噬功能,從而減少小梁網細胞外基質的降解。

The first life net or its corporations want to be a leader of the originality value - chain of the world and make our daily life exciting and beautiful by the means of integrating the global supply - chain and distrbution meshwork and by the means of the professional service platform , uniting the upstream and downstream of industrial chain to make progress hand in hand 公司以集成全球供應鏈、銷售網為基礎,以建立全球專業設計平臺為手段,攜手產業鏈的上下游共同進步,把第一生活網打造成全球時尚創意價值鏈的領軍者、整合者,為人類締造更加精彩美好的生活。

The paper makes reference to the theories about organization structure innovation and the experiences of some native and foreign universities , such as mit , nagoya univ , zhejiang univ . aims at the abuses of the functional structure , brings forward the meshwork structure of discipline that is based on matrix theories 本文在借鑒組織結構的相關理論以及美國麻省理工學院、日本名古屋大學、浙江大學等國內外高校學科組織結構創新的相關經驗的基礎上,針對直線職能制學科組織結構的弊端,提出了基于矩陣結構的大學學科組織結構構想。

If we want to strength the work of thoughts and politics in city communities , we should begin with the innovation of the system of the work of thoughts and politics hi city communities . we should oriental correctly the goal and content of the work of thoughts and politics in city communities ; decompose in reason the every fondues target of the work of thoughts and politics in city communities ; construct its system and innovate it from the content , doer , path , way , stand and meshwork 要擴大社區思想政治工作的具體內容;建立專兼結合、結構合理、配備完善的隊伍網絡,擴大社區思想政治工作的對象;創新社區思想政治工作的路徑,將思想政治工作融入社區建設各個項目之中;創新工作方法,實現單向的宣傳、雙向的互動和群體的互動的結合;堅持為群眾辦實事,明確思想政治工作的落腳點;同時構建一個完善的社區思想政治工作網絡體系,包括陣地網絡、服務網絡和信息網絡。

The open research issues and projects are also pointed out in this field . then , wireless sensor network experiment system design draft is shown in the paper , which includes sensor node constitution , base station communication mode , shape of the meshwork topology , control center software and so on 本文研究內容是根據網絡化的戰場感知微型傳感器課題設計要求提出的,通過對無線傳感器網絡技術動態與發展的掌握了解,在傳感器網絡實現技術上進行探索與實踐。

The chances embody in exerting women ' s subjectivity enough . however , this is often ignored for many reasons in reality life . generally speaking , meshwork can upgread women ' s subjectivity in the aspects of practice , acquaintance and association 其機遇主要體現在充分發揮女性主體性方面? ?而女性的主體性及其發揮這一點,在現實社會中往往因眾多原因而一直被人們所忽視。

The corticosteroid dexamethasone increases glycosaminoglycan , elastin , and fibronectin production in cultured trabecular meshwork ; the glycosaminoglycan deposition increases further with prolonged steroid exposure [ 33 , 34 ] 地塞米松可以引起培養的小梁細胞分泌葡萄糖胺聚糖、彈力蛋白和纖維連接蛋白的增加;葡萄糖胺聚糖的沉積會隨著地塞米松作用時間的延長而增加[ 33 , 34 ] 。

With the development of the science technology , the capacity of generator unit keeps increasing , devices with large power load are becoming more and more , the impact of their make - and - break at electric meshwork is very visible 隨著科學技術的發展,發電機組的單機容量不斷增加,大功率負荷設備也越來越多,他們的投切對電網的影響越來越明顯。

As the communicational technology development , the transmit ability of main meshwork has been improved very much ; compared with that , the transmitting speed of the access net has been a bottleneck all along 隨著通信技術的不但發展,骨干網的傳輸速度已經得到了很大提高;相比之下,接入網的傳輸速率卻始終是個瓶頸。

Examinations should include monitoring of the iop and gonioscopy for pseudophakes and patients with prior vitrectomies to detect mechanical obstruction of the trabecular meshwork by the medication 眼科檢查應該包括眼壓監測以及對無晶體眼和玻璃體切割術受的患者行房角鏡檢查以發現小梁網被藥物顆粒機械性阻塞的情況。

The authors treated the trabecular meshwork of 8 monkey eyes with the argon laser by a variety of energy in an attempt to cause moderate , consistent intraocular pressure ( iop ) elevation 摘要本報告為首次以獼猴作雷射誘發青光眼之實驗,以探討最理想之各項雷射參數及能量,以期達到最佳之效果。

The physical management model of process has been established , based on meshwork technique . and the outline design of software has been achieved by using uml 對于流程運行和管理模型,我們以活動網絡技術為基礎,研究了其系統實現的物理模型,并用uml對系統的軟件實現進行了概要設計。