
mesentery n.【解剖學】腸系膜,隔膜。


It has a high entrapment efficiency of 98 . 3 % , particle size distributing within 5 - 7u m , viscid coefficient of 1432 centipoise . antigen was stable after multiple emulsion treated with gastric juice for 0 . 5 - 6h . study on distribution in vivo of me revealed that me could stay for a long time in stomach and that antigen concentration in mesentery was increased with time and reached peak at 24h 疫苗復乳的包封率為98 . 3 % ,粒徑主要分布于2 ~ 10pm之間,集中于5一7pm ,粘度為1432厘泊,體內分布實驗顯示, 6h胃中的抗原濃度仍很高,腸系膜淋巴結中的放射量24h最高,與胃液作用0 . 5 ~ 6小時復乳中的抗原不受影響,口服免疫小鼠后明顯提高了rhp疫苗的免疫應答水平。

( 3 ) isolation and culture of human primordial germ cells ( pgcs ) . human pgcs collected from gonadal ridges and mesenteries were grown on mouse feeder layers in the presence of human recombinant leukemia inhibitory factor ( lif ) , human recombinant basic fibroblast growth factor , and forskolin as described previously . initially , pgcs were visualized by alkaline phosphatase activity staining ( 3 )人類pgcs的分離和培養從4 10周齡藥物流產胚胎的生殖嵴和腸系膜組織中分離原始生殖細胞( primordialgermcells , pgcs ) ,培養在添加人重組白血病抑制因子( lif ) 、人重組堿性成纖維細胞生長因子( bfgf )和forskolin的小鼠飼養層細胞上。

Upper gastrointestinal series revealed several characteristic findings : dilatation of the stomach and the first and second portions of the duodenum , abrupt vertical compression of the third portion of the duodenum , churning without orderly peristalsis or passage of the contrast medium proximal to the obstruction , and relief of obstruction when the patient was placed in a position that diminished the drag of the mesentery 做上消化道攝影檢查,兩列皆可見胃及十二指腸第一、二部分略顯擴張,至第三部分則突然中斷,顯示有外在壓迫痕跡,致鋇劑流通受阻,同時有逆流的現象;但阻塞并非完全性,將病人變換姿勢,受阻情形立見改善。

Methods : cases whose oviducts were blocked or jammed because of abnormal oviducts or shortage of mesentery were treated using oviduct inflammatory separation and peritoneum transplantation , and compared with their former condition 方法對31例因輸卵管形態異常及系膜短缺致輸卵管不通或通而不暢患者行輸卵管粘連松解加腹膜移植術并進行術前術后比較。

This is an uncommon fluid accumulation that can be due to blockage of lymphatic drainage , in this case by a malignant lymphoma involving the mesentery and retroperitoneum 這是一種特殊的液體積聚,發生于淋巴管阻塞,通常是惡性淋巴瘤累及腸系膜和腹膜后腔。

It is used for metastasis malignant disease of the omentum and mesentery . in addition , in the prevention of any residual focus of post operative malignancy 產品適用于人體腫瘤灌注的治療,體腔內瘤體過多消除手術后存在的亞臨床病灶

For visceral injuries except intestine and mesentery vessel injury , it should be accepted as the first choice for the therapy 選擇性動脈栓塞中應謹慎避免發生再出血和意外栓塞。

Effect of coronary heart no 2 on the hemodynamics of inferior mesentery artery in healthy male volunteers 號對健康男性腸系膜下動脈血流動力學的影響

Changes of mesentery microcirculation in type 2 diabetic rats and its clinical significance 2型糖尿病大鼠腸系膜微循環改變及其臨床意義

Safflower injection mesentery micro vasomotion nitric oxide 紅花注射液腸系膜微血管運動一氧化氮

To obtain the gross mechanical property, a strip of uniform width was cut from the mesentery . 為了得到總的力學性能,從腸系膜中切出一個等寬的窄條。