
mesenchyme n.【遺傳】間(充)質。adj.-chymal


It contains different vitamins , wheat proteins and mink oil , can penetrate deep into the hair through hair pellicle , activate the proteins in the hair pellicle and hair mesenchyme to repair the damaged hair and hair pellicle and restore the luster and bright color of the hair 蘊含多種維他命、小麥蛋白及水貂油,能在發干表膜的纖維滲入發絲內部,并刺激發干表膜和發干間質層中蛋白質的活性,從而修復受損發絲及發膜,令秀發回復健康亮澤,光彩動人。

Mesenchyme - - embryonic c . t . with multipotential cells . the stellate cells are beginning to form fibers . sometimes cells are more spindle shaped . ground substance material is watery and invisible 間充質- - -胚胎時期結締組織,含有多種分化潛能的細胞這種星形細胞可合成纖維。有時細胞成梭形。基質成分呈水樣不可見。

Ccam is thought to result from a failure of the pulmonary mesenchyme to induce normal bronchoalveolar differentiation in a part of the fetal lung between the fifth and seventh weeks of gestation 其中先天囊腫性腺瘤樣畸形目前被認為是肺間質在妊娠5到7周時無法成功的誘發部分胎兒支氣管肺泡的分化所致。

Sponges have an irregular , asymmetrical body architecture ; there are two cell layers separated by a gelatinous mesenchyme containing amoeboid cells and skeletal spicules and fibers 海綿動物有不規則、不對稱的體制;二層細胞是由中間的凝膠狀的間葉細胞分開,內含有變形細胞(阿米巴細胞) 、骨針和纖維。

Potency of bone marrow mesenchyme stem cells differentiating into insulin - positive cells in vitro in rats 大鼠骨髓間充質干細胞體外誘導分化為胰島素陽性細胞的潛能