
mesa n.1.〔美國〕臺地,方山。2.【無線電】臺式晶體管。


The principle contents and results of our researches are outlined as follows : ( 1 ) reviewing the creation , development and present situations of researches of mes , and analyzing unreasonableness of mesa functional model for integration of or between enterprises , which have different types of industrial production 主要研究工作如下: ( 1 )綜述mes的產生、發展和研究概況,并分析了mesa功能模型對于多種不同工業生產企業內部集成或企業間集成的不合理性。

Designed orchestra is a steel platform that can support band ' s performance . the control system can make hoist or lower orchestra start and stop between bottom ground floor and stage mesa of hole , and automatically keep the same level with stage in the place of bottom ground and stage mesa 升降樂池是一個鋼鐵結構的平臺,供樂隊演出使用,控制系統能使升降樂池在底坑的地下一層和舞臺臺面之間任意位置啟動和停止,并能自動在地下一層處和舞臺臺面處平層。

The dalian area have the latest type and structure of landform that consist of mountain , hills , mesa , marine corrosion land . in the aspect of area distribution , the east is warm and moist continental monsoon climate , but the west is the warm and submoist continental monsoon climate 大連地區具有山地? ?丘陵? ?臺地? ?海蝕階地組成的現代地貌類型及其結構;在地域分布上,東部為暖溫性濕潤大陸性季風氣候,西部則為暖溫性亞濕潤大陸性季風氣候。

The state - owned commercial banks accelerate their steps to the market , so the banking trade union must reorientate and adopt various ways to support the reform , improve the development of productive forces , serve the mesa and defend their rights 摘要在國有商業銀行市場化步伐加快的新形勢下,金融工會組織必須圍繞工作目標和工作重點搞好新定位,采取多種手段,強化維權功能,塑造出支持改革、推動生產力發展、積極維權、扎根群眾的新形象。

Because insurant is away on official business , reason of degree of relationship of off , travel , explore leaves the urban district ( do not contain go to harbor , bay , mesa area and go abroad ) during have acute disease be in hospital , can apply procedures of different ground be in hospital 被保險人因出差、休假、旅游、探親等原因離開市區(不含赴港、澳、臺地區及出國)期間患急病住院的,可以申請異地住院手續。

Currently we have two agent - based modeling projects that employ this information to reconstruct puebloan settlement and land - use patterns in the long house valley in arizona and the central mesa verde region in colorado 現在我們有兩個以代理人為基礎的模擬計畫,利用這些資訊重建古代普布羅人的聚落與土地利用模式,一個在亞利桑那長屋谷,另一個在科羅拉多莫德臺地中部。

Swing riveting technology , and using the screw pole going up and down the bench the head part is fixed admittedly , the mesa possesses t - slot of clamping apparatus , bench center aperture and axis coaxial , and 該機應用有第五代擺輾鉚接技術外,同時采用絲桿升降式工作臺機頭部分固定,臺面具有夾具梯形槽,工作臺中心孔徑與主軸軸線同軸,可用于夾具定位。

Navajo indian reservation - four corners - mesa verde national park - arches national park - moab four corners is a place that utah , colorado , arizona , new mexico 4 states meet at a point 拿瓦河印第安保留區-四州交界four corner -梅莎爾地國家公園mesa verde national park -拱門國家公園arches national park -摩愛泊moab

The researchers will take advantage of data from two large - scale studies : lsu health sciences center ' s pathobiological determinants of atherosclerosis in youth ( pday ) study and the multi - ethnic study of atherosclerosis ( mesa ) 研究人員將充分利用兩個大規模研究的資料,即lsu衛生科學中心的pday研究和mesa研究。

The researchers will take adantage of data from two large - scale studies : lsu health sciences center ' s pathobiological determinants of atherosclerosis in youth ( pday ) study and the multi - ethnic study of atherosclerosis ( mesa ) 研究人員將充分利用兩個大規模研究的資料,即lsu衛生科學中心的pday研究和mesa研究。

A great concentration of ancestral pueblo indian dwellings , built from the 6th to the 12th century , can be found on the mesa verde plateau in south - west colorado at an altitude of more than 2 , 600 m 在科羅拉多州西南部海拔2600多米的梅薩維德高原上發現了大量建于公元六世紀至十二世紀的古代印第安人村落遺址。

Each morning , dogs can be seen making their way to the early - morning pickup at their houses in pinecrest , florida , to take them to the dog camp in redland , which is owned by elena lopez de mesa 每天早上都看得到狗狗從佛州皮尼奎斯特一帶的住家搭早班車到位于雷得蘭、由梅莎經營的狗兒露營區。

If lessor or tenant have , just be harbor , bay , the person of mesa area or foreigner , lessor was about to put on record to beijing land natural resources and building management board 假如出租人或承租人有一方是港、澳、臺地區的人或者外國人,出租人就要到北京市國土資源和房屋治理局備案了。

Mesa verde , spanish for green table , offers a spectacular look into the lives of the ancestral pueblo people who made it their home for over 700 years , from a . d . 600 to a . d . 1300 上午在四州交界:猶他州科羅拉多州亞利桑那州新墨西哥的位置拍照留念,感受同一時間在四個不同州的樂趣。

Using this method , the interface characteristics of angle beveled mesa structure high - voltage silicon pn junction protected by organic materials or inorganic passivation films were measured 采用此方法,測量了臺面型高壓硅半導體器件的無機鈍化和有機保護界面的表面復合速率。

It is interesting to observe that the principle of operation for the “ prism “ coupler of fig . 3 . 22b is being considered for extracting the output from lasers of the mesa type 我們將看到圖3 22b的“棱鏡耦合器”工作原理正被考慮用來從臺面激光器獲得出,這是很有意義的。

This is the ice world , ice mesa , ice wall and ice wineglass named as “ the below zero the is 5 degrees ” ice bar , and still possess the ice carving works 這家名為“零下5度”的冰酒吧是一個冰的世界,冰臺面、冰墻壁、冰酒杯,還有冰雕作品。

Evacuees from the scripps ranch fire watch televised coverage of the fire from the gymnasium at mira mesa high school , one of the evacuation centers 部分災民只能在附近高中的體育館內避難。并且焦急的看著新聞轉播火災的發展。哪里像是5星級了!

The day before i was to leave i went walking across the river to the red mesa , where many times before i had gone to be alone with my thoughts 臨行前一天,我淌過河來到紅石山下。我以前曾多次來過這里,獨自遐想一番。