
merrymaking 歡樂;喝酒作樂,狂歡。


Otherwise , they won t have the chance to experience difficult and unfavorable situations , and when they ascend to the throne , they will just spoil themselves and indulge in merrymaking , which will be bad for the country and people . they won t be patient in dealing with other countries ; that s for sure 那些軍校訓練得很厲害,聽說非常嚴格非常刻薄,不然的話,他們沒有機會受苦沒有機會吃苦,以后當王的時候,就變成那種被寵壞的貪圖享受和吃喝玩樂的國王,這樣對國家不好,對人民也沒什么幫助,對國際更是沒有耐心。

The only objection which led christian missionaries to forbid chinese converts to participate in the ceremonies and communal feasting and merrymaking of ancestor worship is that the worshipers are required to kneel down before the ancestral tablets , thus infringing upon the first of the ten commandments 基督教傳教士禁止中國信徒去參加祖先崇拜的禮儀和宴樂,其唯一的理由乃是因為崇拜者必須在祖宗的木主之前拜跪,這種行為是違犯“十戒”的第一戒的。

A band dubbed “ the barometrics “ sang , “ it ' s gonna be a bright , bright sunshiny day , “ lyrics from the song “ i can see clearly now . “ some islanders were sober despite the merrymaking , mindful that meteorologists expect several more years of above - average hurricane activity 一支被稱做“大氣壓力”的樂隊在不停地唱著“這將是陽光燦爛的美好一天” ,這是歌曲現在我可以清晰洞察一切中的一句歌詞。

An earsplitting noise of merrymaking issued from the open windows and died out far away under the serene evening sky while peasants , belated in the lanes , turned and looked at the flaring rooms 樓里像辦喜事一樣,喧鬧聲震耳欲聾,從每扇窗戶傳出去,消失在遠處的寧靜暮色之中,晚歸的農民滯留在籬笆外邊,回過頭來瞧著這座燈火輝煌的別墅。

At that time , we may spoil ourselves , relax too much , indulge in too much physical fun and merrymaking , squander our precious time , listen to our minds only , and take little care of our spirit 那個時候有可能我們會寵壞自己,使自己懈怠,沈溺在吃喝玩樂之中,白白浪費寶貴的光陰,只聽從自己頭腦的話,沒有照顧自己的精神。

He has appeared on “ late show “ , “ good morning america “ and other shows , describing a roisterous campus lifestyle of beer and merrymaking 他在“當今秀”和“早安美國”等等做秀節目中露過臉,大談自己啤酒加快樂的熱鬧的校園生涯。

He ate , drank , and indulged in daily merrymaking , he said , adding that he also smoked , consumed meat , and had new girlfriends every day 他說他每天吃喝玩樂,什么都有,酒肉煙都有,然后女朋友換好多,每天好幾個等等。

Again , it is a merrymaking season , and young boys and girls in shanghai always play around day and night on christmas every year 又到了狂歡的季節,每年上海的圣誕節,就像這樣子,年輕人夜夜笙歌。

Once in the regiment when i did not go to some merrymaking , and there the music was playingand i felt all at once so dreary 有一回,我沒有出席兵團里的游園會,那里正在奏樂我忽然感到厭煩”

The seasonable greetings and merrymaking of christmas help us to forget the seasonal miseries of frost and snow 及時的圣誕節問候與狂歡,可以幫助我們忘掉冰凍與大雪帶來的季節性痛苦。

There was joy and merrymaking in the whole country when the king ' s son was born 當國王的兒子誕生時整個國家有欣喜及狂歡作樂。

Engaging in boisterous , drunken merrymaking , we caroused whole night 狂歡、喧嘩、暢飲、狂歡作樂了整夜。

Merrymaking begins on new year ' s eve and builds up to midnight 盡情歡樂在新年前夕開始,持續到午夜。

An ear-splitting noise of merrymaking issued from the open windows, and died out far away under the serene evening sky . 震耳的歡笑聲,從窗口傳出去,一直傳到很遠,消逝在極遠的靜穆暮靄之中。