merry n.梅麗〔女子名〕。
n. 梅麗〔女子名〕。 adj. (-rier; -riest) 1.愉快的,快活的;有趣的;生動的;輕快的,激烈的。 2.〔口語〕微醉的。 短語和例子as merry as a cricket [a grig, a lark] 非常快活。 make merry 作樂,宴樂,逗樂。 make merry over 嘲弄,挖苦。 merry men (已往騎士或土匪首領的)隨從,侍從。 merry men of May 落潮時的危險潮流。 “merry meet merry part“ 中文翻譯: 好聚好散“a merry christmas“ 中文翻譯: 圣誕快樂之歌; 愉快的圣誕節/14“a merry festival“ 中文翻譯: 歡樂的節日“as merry as a cricket“ 中文翻譯: 非常快活; 非常快樂; 眉飛色舞“be in a merry mood“ 中文翻譯: 心境舒暢“going merry“ 中文翻譯: 黃金梅利號“in a merry q“ 中文翻譯: 快快活活地“in a merry vein“ 中文翻譯: 帶著愉快的情緒“katharine merry“ 中文翻譯: 凱瑟琳梅里“make merry“ 中文翻譯: 歡宴作樂; 作樂“merry and daegu“ 中文翻譯: 大奎攻防戰; 梅麗大邱攻防戰“merry cake“ 中文翻譯: 嘻嘻酥“merry chricymas“ 中文翻譯: 怎么過圣誕節“merry christm“ 中文翻譯: 凱莉 八張專輯“merry christmas“ 中文翻譯: 近距交戰; 讓世界更美麗; 圣旦快樂; 圣誕節快樂; 圣誕節愉快; 圣誕節專題; 送禮物; 耶誕快樂; 祝你圣誕快樂“merry cole“ 中文翻譯: 小頭鰈“merry cristmas“ 中文翻譯: 歡樂圣誕; 還有沒收到的人繼續收“merry daegu“ 中文翻譯: 梅麗大邱攻防戰“merry dancers“ 中文翻譯: 北極光。 “merry england“ 中文翻譯: 可愛的英格蘭“merry goesround“ 中文翻譯: 旋轉木馬“merry heart“ 中文翻譯: 愉快的心情“merry hotel“ 中文翻譯: 美麗園大酒店“merry island“ 中文翻譯: 快樂島奇遇“merrtens“ 中文翻譯: 梅爾滕斯“merry as a cricket [a grig; a lark]“ 中文翻譯: 樂如枝鵲
merry dancers |
Merry christmas to the best parents in the world 獻給世上最好的父母,圣誕快樂! |
Yeah , weii , thanks a iot . merry christmas to you too 是的,多謝了,祝你圣誕快樂 |
It says , “ merry christmas , billy . from mr . c . 上面說“比利,圣誕快樂. . .圣先生贈 |
Have you ever watched kids on a merry - go - round 你曾經注意過小孩玩旋轉木馬嗎? |
- morning , there . merry christmas . - merry christmas -早上好,圣誕快樂-圣誕快樂 |
Eat , drink , and be merry - - that ' s his philosophy 吃喝玩樂,那就是他的人生哲學。 |
But as you ' ll discover , more is not merrier 但你會發現同時做更多不一定更快樂。 |
- i hate you , merry - go - round . - where ' s the switch -我恨你,快樂轉盤-開關在哪? |
Screw the merry men . you ' re a stinko pinko 調戲我這個大好人你簡直是個左派酒鬼 |
Sorry . excuse me , excuse me . - merry christmas 對不起,讓一下,讓一下-圣誕快樂 |
I hate you , merry - go - round . - where ' s the switch 我恨你,快樂轉盤-開關在哪? |
How merry we shall be together when we meet ! 等我們見面的時候,多么高興啊! ” |
Woos and wins her , a whoreson merry widow 求婚并贏得了她一個婊子養的風流寡婦。 |
Then there is the bachelor's return to chambers, after a merry christmas holiday, spent in a cosy country-house, full of pretty faces, and kind welcomes and regrets . 再看單身漢回寓所的情景,他剛在溫暖舒適的鄉下住宅度過了歡快的圣誕節,那里到處是和悅的笑臉,親切的問候,依依惜別的深情。 |
The aisles were overflowing with great streams of flushed and merry crowd of senior military men with their wives moving through the lobby, she felt that few women looked as pretty or glittery as she did . 當他們擠在一群喜氣洋洋的高級軍官和太太們當中穿過走廓的當兒,羅達覺得沒有幾個婦人及得上她那一身打扮的標致和光彩。 |
It was a pleasant, friendly, sociable herd; pious, happy, merry and full of unconscious coarsenesses and innocent indecencies . 這是一群和藹可親,彼此都很相好的人;心虔意誠,眉開眼笑,態度十分粗俗,自己倒不覺不知,滿嘴褻語淫詞,又非常天真浪漫。 |
The indian females, when girls, are usually mild and submissive, with musical tones, pleasant voices, and merry laughs . 印第安女人在做姑娘的時候,一般都是溫柔而又和順的,說起話來聲調悅耳動聽,而且總是伴隨著愉快的笑聲。 |
And sir daniel, who was a very merry knight, none merrier in england, took a drink of his mulled ale, and lay back, smiling . 但尼爾爵士是英國最樂天的一個爵士,他喝了一杯熱騰騰的加香料的甜麥酒,笑嘻嘻地把身子往后靠著。 |
It was the high morning, but the merry spirits of the carnival were still inclined to lounge and recapitulate the last night's jests . 時值上午,然而狂歡節歡樂的人們仍然在傾心于悠閑行樂和重復昨夜的嬉鬧。 |