
merriment n.歡樂。


A nice hole , where all the little women used to kiss laure on the lips ! and as the countess sabine , who had overheard a stray word or two , turned toward them , they started back , rubbing shoulders in excited merriment 這時,薩比娜伯爵夫人偶然聽見他們一句談話,便掉過頭來,他們馬上向后退了幾步,兩人互相推推撞撞,高興得漲紅了臉。

The lower stakes of the wattle cracked more and more often , and at last the wattle wall heaved over , together with the soldiers , who were hanging onto it . a loud shout and the roar of coarse merriment followed 下面的墻樁越來越咔嚓發響,終于那堵高大的籬笆墻連同推它的士兵們一倒了下來,爆發出一陣粗獷的歡快的哈哈大笑聲。

Sheep shearing is of particular interest to australia ' s city dwellers . the fallen fleeces bring much merriment to the children . children touch the sheared sheep and fell so smooth 剪羊毛對于澳大利亞城市里的人來說是很令人驚奇的事,剪下的羊毛帶給孩子們無盡的歡樂,孩子們輕輕撫摸光禿禿的小羊,感到絲般的光滑。

He was about to enlarge further , but the two youngsters broke into a noisy fit of merriment ; my giddy miss being delighted to discover that she might turn his strange talk to matter of amusement 他還想再說下去,可是這兩個年輕人忽然一大笑起來:我的輕浮的小姐很高興地發現她可以把他的奇怪的話當作笑料了。

Looked as beautiful as the day , but was in one of those moods of perverse merriment which , whenever they occurred , seemed to remove her entirely out of the sphere of sympathy or human contact 珠兒的模樣如白晝一般美麗,但處于那種調皮任性的興致之中,每當此刻,她便象完全脫離了人性的共鳴與交往的范圍。

But before he had reached the bottom he was met by dense crowds of russian soldiers , who , stumbling against each other and tripping up , were running in wild merriment towards the battery 但是他還沒來得及下去,迎面就跑來一大群密密麻麻的俄國士兵,他們吶喊著,快活地,拼命地跌跌絆絆地往炮壘上跑。

With these words she suddenly splashed a pint of icy water down my neck , and pulled me into the kitchen . mr heathcliff followed , his accidental merriment expiring quickly in his habitual moroseness 她說著這些話,就猛然把一桶冰冷的水順著我的脖子上一倒,又把我拉進廚房里。

The merriment continued with the presentation of special gift packages from our beloved master to the excited children , including a raincoat , balloons , chocolates and vanilla waffles 當他們收到滿滿師父愛心的特別禮物-包括雨衣氣球巧克力香草餅乾時,更是興奮極了!

He wriggled , and chirped , and giggled , and then i saw the source of his merriment . . . and my eyes could not take it all in at once 他先是扭著身子,接著發出噴噴咂嘴聲,隨后又咯咯傻笑,這時候我才找到了他快樂的源泉? ?但我的眼睛一時間竟難以接受。

Conclusion : days without power reminds many people born in 70 ’ s of old good days when there were lack of entertainment facility but full of pure merriment 總結:停電的日子讓很多七十年生人想起了過去美好的生活,那時候缺乏娛樂但卻充滿了歡笑。

Eventually , the church was successful in removing the merriment ( 5 ) , lights and gifts from saturnalia and transferring them to the celebration of a christian christmas 最終,教堂成功地將農神節的歡樂、彩燈和禮物都轉移到基督教節日圣誕節。

Our countries united states 0502 classes of ones which is a fascinating merriment are collective , hope its ability of the strength let an incorporation get up 我們的國美0502班是一個精彩歡樂的一個集體,希望它能的力量讓全班團結起來。

Gratiano ' s cure for care is merriment and torrents of talk . he is not the only one in venice who “ speaks an infinite idea of nothing 格雷諾治療煩憂的方法是歡喜作樂及喋喋不休。在威尼斯,無話找話,繞舌不已的人可不只是他一人而已。

From beneath their broad - brimmed hats of palm - leaf , gleamed eyes which , even in good - nature and merriment , had a kind of animal ferocity 寬檐棕櫚葉帽子下面閃著的那雙眼睛,即使在心情好興致高的時候,也露出一股野獸般的兇光。

He saw coaches rolling by , gentlemen passing with ladies - the evening s merriment was beginning in this region of theatres and hotels 他看著馬車駛過,紳士們伴著女士們走過。這個戲院和旅館集中的地區就此開始了晚上的歡樂。

She left the room , followed by daguenet and georges , crossed the dining room , entered the drawing room , her merriment increasing at every step 她走出臥室,身后跟著達蓋內和喬治,他們穿過餐廳,進入客廳,笑得越來越厲害。

Nana took advantage of this outburst of merriment and went and put her arms round fontan s neck again , kissing him and whispering in his ear 娜娜趁大家笑聲不絕之際,又摟住豐唐的脖子,一邊吻他,一邊貼著他的耳朵說話。

She could feel that there was no warm , sympathetic friendship back of the easy merriment with which many approached her 她能夠感覺得到,很多接近她的人所表現的那份悠閑快樂的背后,并沒有任何溫暖的富于同情心的友誼。

To - day a low song of longing had been set singing in her heart by the finery , the merriment , the beauty she had seen 可是今天,在看到那些華麗的服飾,歡樂的場面和那些美人之后,她的心里輕輕地唱起了一支渴望之歌。