
merrily adv.快樂地,愉快地,高興地。


You could merrily bury your head in a book for a while . let the machine answer the phone , and catch up on your reading 你可以暫時快樂地埋首書中。讓答錄機替你接聽電話。追上閱讀進度。

My angel , how do i wanna press close to you , listen to your heart beat momently , and dance with you merrily 天使,多想貼近你,傾聽你每時每刻的生命旋律,與你歡快起舞。

The trees and grass , the ocean waves , and the puffs of cloud , all seem to be frolicking merrily on the canvas 綠草波浪云彩,都似在畫布上嬉戲,紫色野花的顏色一直

Singing his favorite little tune , he trotted merrily to the green by the river and began practicing his swings 它哼著小曲,高高興興地跑到河邊草地上練習高爾夫。

I delivered this message to mrs earnshaw ; she seemed in flighty spirits , and replied merrily 我把這話傳達給恩蕭夫人,她看來興致勃勃,而且挺開心地回答:

A wild - looking old woman dressed all in green had waved merrily at him once on a bus 一個放蕩不羈、穿一身綠衣服的老太婆笑瞇瞇地向他招手。

“ i never did , either , “ said carrie merrily , her face flushed with delight “我也沒想到, ”嘉莉開心地說,她的臉因為興奮泛起了紅暈。

The top was spinning merrily 陀螺在輕快地旋轉。

Donald trump , that well - known storyteller , was whistling merrily yesterday 吹牛大王特魯普昨天又在自鳴得意。

On other occasions , they laugh and joke merrily with each other 不難發現,他們氣味相投,一再合作絕非無因。

She broke off abruptly and laughed merrily at her predicament 她突然住了嘴,為自己的狼狽處境快活地笑了。

I hurt my tongue when i hurried to eat cherry and strawberry merrily 我匆忙快活地吃櫻桃和草莓時傷了舌頭

I hurt my tongee when i hurried to eat cherry and strawberry merrily 我匆忙快活地吃櫻桃和草莓時傷了舌頭

I hurt my tongue when i hurried to eat cherry and strawberry merrily 我匆忙快活地吃櫻桃和草莓?鄙肆松嗤?

@ row , row , rowy , our boat @ [ both ] @ merrily , merrily , merrily , merrily “高興的,高興的,高興的”

The companies went along merrily 這一連人心情愉快地步行。

The child rattled away merrily 那孩子快活地喋喋不休地說著。

She sing as merrily as a little bird 她歌唱得象小鳥一樣快樂。

She sings as merrily as a little bird 她歌唱得象小鳥一樣快樂。