
meromorphic adj.【數學】半純的,有理型的,遜純的。


Value distribution of meromorphic solutions of systems of higher order non - linear differential equations 高階非線性微分方程組亞純解的值分布

This thesis studies the picard exceptional values and normal families of meromorphic functions 本文研究了亞純函數的picard例外值和正規族。

Meromorphic solutions of systems of higher - order algebraic differential equations in complex domain 高階亞純系數線性微分方程解的增長性

On the behaviour of meromorphic solutions of some higher - order algebraic differential equations 關于一類代數微分方程的亞純解的行為方式

Hyper order of meromorphic solutions of a class of higher order homogeneous linear differential equations 一類高階線性微分方程解的超級

Normal families of meromorphic functions and exceptional function of differential polynomials 亞純函數的正規族和微分多項式的例外函數

Periodic points of meromorphic function and their odd points of iterative inverse function 亞純函數的周期點及其迭帶的反函數奇點

On the rate of growth of meromorphic solutions of higher order linear differential equations 關于高階線性微分方程亞純解的增長率

The growth of solutions of higher order linear differetial equations with meromorphic coefficients 復高階代數微分方程組的亞純解

The rotation theorem for 1 2 - order meromorphic starlike functions in the exterior of the unit circle 2階亞純星象函數的旋轉定理

Admissible meromorphic solutions of a system of higher - order algebraic differential equations 高階代數微分方程組的亞純允許解

Admissible meromorphic solutions of a type of higher - order algebraic differential equation 一類高階代數微分方程的亞純允許解

An improved inequality for meromorphic functions with few simple zeros 關于單級零點較少的亞純函數的一個改進的不等式

A family of meromorphic multivalent functions defined by dziok - srivastava operator 由線性算子定義的解析多葉函數類

Meromorphic functions sharing two small functions cm and one other small functions im 分擔另一個小函數的亞純函數

The growth of meromorphic solutions of higher - order linear differential equations 某類高階線性微分方程解的增長性

The value distribution for differential polynomials fkq f in meromorphic function f 亞純函數微分多項式的值分布

The growth of single - valued meromorphic solutions and finite branch solutions 單值亞純解和有限多分支解的增長性

The zeros of meromorphic solutions of higher order linear differential equations 高階線性微分方程亞純解的零點