
merman n.(傳說中的)雄性人魚;〔美國〕男子游泳健將。


“ we heard it shatter , “ the merman said , guessing shemsen ' s thoughts . “ it will be a tenday before the waterdeep mage - guild enchants a new one - more than a tenday with fleetswake on the tide “我們聽到了它粉碎的聲音, “人魚猜測著舍姆森的想法,說道, “等深水城的法師公會重建一座至少要十天- -派人來防衛還要十多天。

“ well said , sea elf , “ the merman second said . “ eadro watches ! “ he touched the blood - coral amulet of his private god . “ we thought waterdeep was beyond their reach . “說得好,海精靈, “人魚副官說道, “依卓洛在上! “他觸碰了一下象征自己信仰的血珊瑚項墜, “我們原以為深水城不在他們的活動范圍里。

Balrog looks like a cross between a lion and a merman with red eyes and dreadlocks . he behaves exactly like sylvester , but requires more hits to kill 炎魔巴洛克像獅子與人魚的合體,它有紅色的眼睛和長長的頭發。它的行為方式與西爾維斯特一樣,只不過更具有攻擊性。

Reports of giant squid , which can weigh up to a ton , date back to the 1530s when sailors mistook them for mermen or sea serpents 有關巨型魷魚的傳說很多。早在1530年,海員就發現了巨型魷魚,并把它們誤認為傳說中的男性人魚或海中毒蛇。

Instead sea elves and mermen alike had been driven north by shadowy enemies that were not sahuagin , or not exclusively sahuagin 然而海精靈和人魚都被隱藏的敵人驅趕到了北方,那敵人并不是沙華魚人,至少不只是。

It wasn ' t something a man liked to admit , but one - on - one , sahuagin over matched both mermen and sea elves 雖然他不想承認,但實際在一對一的時候,無論人魚還是海精靈都要比沙華魚人略遜一籌。

Shemsen shrugged off the merman ' s hand and offer . til tend myself when i get to the harbor . 舍姆森聳聳肩,離開了人魚的手,也拒絕了他的幫助。 “到港口之前我會照顧自己的。

Your name roger merman 你是羅杰莫曼

The guy ' s roger merman 車主人是羅杰莫曼

Mermen kept their own customs 人魚有他們自己的風俗。

All four mermen rose from the silt 四個人魚從廢墟離開。

Shemsen didn ' t know the four mermen 舍姆森不認識這四個人魚。

The merman ' s frown consumed his face . “ you survived . 男人魚的臉因為皺眉而扭曲, “你活下來了。

“ what happened here ? “ the gray - bearded merman asked “這出什么事了? “長著灰胡須的男人魚問道。