
mermaid n.(傳說中的)美人魚;美人魚徽章;〔美國〕女游泳健將。


Mermaid games - 4455 miniclip games 美人魚小游戲- 4399小游戲

Introduction : nimodipine - a mermaid , trapped in a goldfish tank 尼莫一條小丑魚,被困在金魚缸里了。

The little mermaid , the beautiful hearts 美,就是這么簡單。

A mermaid flopped up on deck and told him the whole story 有只美人魚跳到甲板上來把一切都告訴了他

You ' re a mermaid . - yeah , you ordered the catch of the day 你是條美人魚-是啊,你們定了時鮮美味魚

[ narrator ] now , mermaids are not as theyare in storybooks 現在,美人魚已經不是傳說中描述的那樣了

Introduction : design mermaid dance and let her jump up to dance 設計美人魚的舞姿,讓她跳起舞來吧!

Narrator now , mermaids are not as theyare in story . books 現在,美人魚已經不是傳說中描述的那樣了

Narrator now , mermaids are not as theyare in storybooks 現在,美人魚已經不是傳說中描述的那樣了

Tooth apparently the kid speaks mermaid 看來那孩子會說美人魚語

Tooth ) apparently the kid speaks mermaid 看來那孩子會說美人魚語

My littie mermaid , i ' m reaiiy tired 我親愛的美人魚我是真的累了

Have you read the story of mermaids 你看過關于美人魚的故事嗎?

( tooth ) apparently the kid speaks mermaid 看來那孩子會說美人魚語

She ' s , uh , not a fish , tom , she ' s a mermaid 她不是魚,她是美人魚

Do you know what you ' re supposed to do to meet a mermaid 這是電影里杰克為喬安娜描述的海底。

Asia ' s star mermaid ' suh lnju ' retires 亞洲明星美人魚蘇琳嬌退役

The little mermaid took the prince to shore 小美人魚把王子帶到岸邊。

Mermaid style games - 4455 miniclip games 人魚美發師小游戲- 4399小游戲